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option window

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  • option window

    I'm having a problem with my option chains, i can't get any prices! it worked fine this am and now it's a blank, i just use it for the majors: QQQQ and SPY, but it's giving me the no data message in the window but everything else is fine. i've tried restarting esignal which usually works but no change this time.

  • #2
    Hi Jeddins, please PM your username and I will look at your connection. Is anything else strange happening on the computer?


    • #3

      If you were getting the option chain data in the morning and suddenly you started getting a blank window, it could be that you are exceeding your symbol count.

      If your symbol limit is 500, make sure that the 'Data Manager Symbol Count' (Status Bar) is not showing 'Sym 500', or a number pretty close to 500, otherwise you will get "No Data" in the Option Chain window.
      An option chain displaying "all months" for QQQQ might request data for 480+ symbols from the Data Manager.
      You can click Option Window Options in the menu bar to set-up the month filter.

      Make sure that you do not have Option Chain windows that might be minimized and out of sight, click Window in the menu bar, and click 'Windows' to display the complete list of windows opened in eSignal (Detached eSignal windows will not be included in this list)

      If the Data Manager Symbol Count box displays an small number and you are still not getting data in the Options Chain, exit the program and the Data Manager, then restart the program.

      Please let us know if you are still having problems getting Options Chain Data.


