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Tick Download 1 day only does not work

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  • Tick Download 1 day only does not work

    Even when my chart is in a 1 day tick timetimeplate and I specify in the Tick Downloader that I only want 1 day (the last day) of ticks, I still receive 3 or 4 days of tick data.

    This gives me 15 megs of data I do not need and I am forced to process to get the the last day; i.e. when I use Jump to the last day it still takes forever.

    Please advise how to only download the last day....or even better how to download one specific day's tick data


  • #2
    With the Tick Downloader you cannot download data for a specific date but you can download data for the last day by setting #Days to 1 (regardless of the Time Template which is not used in this tool).
    In the enclosed animated image you can see that I am requesting one day of data and the Tick Downloader only downloads data for 3/31/06. When I then set the tool to replay the same file it shows that the available data in that file is for 3/31/06 only


    • #3

      Thank you for the reply and the cool animation.

      Unfortunately, I have been using that procedure for 2 years and very seldom can limit the data to 1 day, which is why I tried loading a chart with a 1 day tick template to try and limit the download that way.

      Most recently, I have been receiving 4 days of data using your suggested procedure exactly. Hence my frustration and the reason for my post.

      Any other ideas what could be causing the 1 day setting to not work?

      ps....just tried again and received 4 days of data....was not able to send you the image....if you will send me the code format to put the image in this post I will upload the .png image

      pps....tried it a second time....this time I even used a blank Page like you are showing so there are no charts open.....I asked for 1 day and I got "Info: AB M6, 03/29/06-04/03/06"....this is a consistent error in Tick Downloader and is really means I have to wade through 3 days of data to get to the last day which is the only one I wanted in the first place....if you do this multiple times during testing it gets old really fast.
      Last edited by ratherBgolfing; 04-03-2006, 02:04 PM.


      • #4
        does not work for AB M6


        I duplicated your example exactly, including using "es m6" which works fine.

        Unfortunately, I want "ab m6" and it does not work. I still get 4 days.

        Please try it yourself and let me know when the bug is fixed.



        • #5
          I just ran several downloads of AB M6 for 1 day only and as you can see in the enclosed animated image I am unable to replicate the problem At this point it seems to me that this issue is specific to your setup or computer so you may want to contact eSignal's support

          PS. Please check your Private Messages


          • #6
            Tick Downloader related to Time Template


            As I suspected, Tick Downloader takes its "Days" setting from the Timetemplate running in any tick chart you may have running in the Page when you use Tick Downloader.

            My Page had 4 charts running, one of which was a tick chart with a 4 day timetemplate for AB M6. When I used Tick Downloader all I could download was 4 days of ticks, never 1 day as specified in Tick Downloader.

            I then tried to download one day only of ES M6 from the same Page; no problem; one day only (because I was not running any ES charts).

            I then created a blank Page, closed eSignal, started it again with the blank Page and requested 1 day of AB M6; No problem; I received one day only of AB ticks (ie. no charts running AB ticks to affect the Tick Downloader setting)

            I then called up my Page with the 4 charts running, including the 4 day tick AB chart, called up Tick Downloader, specified 1 day only and received 4 days of ticks.

            Conclusion: Tick Downloader downloads data based on the time template you have running in any tick chart on the Page and NOT based on the days specified in the Downloader. (this is why I tried loading a 1 day time template into my tick chart earlier....did not work....need to use blank Page and restart eSignal to clear the Tick Downloader setting)

            This is a bug. How does one report same?
            Last edited by ratherBgolfing; 04-04-2006, 04:31 PM.


            • #7
              I think I understand what is happening and the issue appears to be caused by the Tick Downloader settings (or other Time Templates) not being applied if tick data is being retrieved from cache rather than downloaded.
              In fact a similar behavior occurrs if you run a tick chart using a 4 day Time Template and at the same time run another tick chart for the same symbol using a different Time Template set to load 1 day only of tick data. In this case the latter chart will also display 4 days of tick data regardless of the Time Template being applied to it.
              As a workaround you don't need to restart eSignal and the Data Manager to be able to download 1 day of data. Just close the chart with the 4 days of tick data then double click the Sym box located in the Status Bar next to the two green OK boxes. Once you have done that run the Tick Downloader and you should be able to download 1 day of data. You should also notice that the Tick Downloader will now be requesting the data whereas before it was only processing existing data.


              • #8
                Alex and ratherBgolfing,

                I am able to duplicate this problem here as well. It has been entered into our development list as EDL# 22049. You can use this number to reference the problem if you contact Technical Support. I apologize for the inconvenience this causes. Please note that the work-around Alex mentions did work for me as well.

                Thank you,


                • #9
                  I still prefer my work-around.

                  I tried your method Alexis by closing the 4 tick charts I had running in the Page and double clicking the Sym2 button. I then downloaded 1 day of ticks without a problem. I then reloaded my Page to get the 4 charts back and it did not work. It only plotted the data going forward from the time I clicked to reload the data at all for earlier in the day....not even the 1 day of data I downloaded. I tried switching to another Page and coming back to my Page again and still no data. So I had to close eSignal anyway to get my charts back.

                  Instead, I save my Page with the 4 tick charts. Call up my Blank Page. Exit All & Save eSignal. Start it back up, showing the Blank Page of course. Download 1 day of ticks. Then call up my previous 4 charts Page without any delay or missing data. Simple and quick.


                  • #10
                    tick downloader version 8

                    I note that the bug re trying to dowload 1 day of ticks when the cache has more than 1 day is not fixed in version 8.

                    with version 8, my method (in previous post below) now requires that I reboot my computer between saving the blank page and closing esignal and restarting esignal....this because version 8 does not open properly on a blank page for some reason without rebooting. This is a big step backwards.

                    The good news is that Alexis' workaround does work well with version 8. So, I now just save my page, open the blank page, double click Sym3/Sym2, download 1 day of ticks, call up my page and run tickreplay...all without closing esignal.

                    Works fine. Thanks.

