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eSignal 8 now released

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  • eSignal 8 now released

    So where is it at?

    Or do we get excuses or delays. I'm used to them. ProphetX is seeming like a great alternative right about now. I'm giving eSignal one last shot to impress otherwise I'm gone.

    So where is eSignal 8 at?

  • #2
    Hi JMowery, eSignal 8.0 will be released at the end of next week. Some of the new features are:
    • Real time volume for electronic contracts like the emini
    • Settlement data - we will be releasing new data fields that give you settlement time and price
    • New spread features


    • #3
      Spread features?


      • #4
        eSig 8

        Originally posted by RyanS
        Hi JMowery, eSignal 8.0 will be released at the end of next week. Some of the new features are:
        • Real time volume for electronic contracts like the emini
        • Settlement data - we will be releasing new data fields that give you settlement time and price
        • New spread features
        Sounds great. I am SO looking forward to this. By any chance, could we possibly be getting Put/Call Ratios with this new release?

        (They should have a smilie for praying)

        Happy Easter everyone!!


        • #5

          The spread engine enhancement has to do with a new default mechanism to make the tool more intuitive and easier to use.


          I'd love to say 8.0 includes put/call ratios but it does not. We are closer than ever though and should have a time table to add a number of market stats in the next 60 days or so.



          • #6
            Originally posted by ScottJ

            I'd love to say 8.0 includes put/call ratios but it does not. We are closer than ever though and should have a time table to add a number of market stats in the next 60 days or so.

            Okay, fair enough. Thanks Scott for keeping us posted.



            • #7

              And what going on for the second phase of EFS2...

              From "The Exhange" of April 2005.
              ....The second phase of EFS2 will add a user interface , so users can create studies and strategies easily without having to understand the underlying code.This phase will come in the 8.0 release ,due out sometime in the summer of this year as we introduce the 8 Series of esignal.

              Thank you.


              • #8
                Hi Jeanmark,

                The infrastructure changes have pretty much taken center stage (support for CID's, trade conditions, exchange sequence #'s, exchange timestamps, etc) and will continue until they are rolled out for all users (Summer 06 with 8.1 release). Further EFS2 development got a bit sidetracked but we'll get it back in focus for later 8.xx releases.



                • #9
                  So will version 8 be out tomorrow?


                  • #10
                    Hi Anson,

                    There's a slight chance we could get a release out tomorrow but our QA process uncovered a problem with the new RT volume field and it may take a bit longer to resolve. To be on the safe side, it's more likely to be ready next week.



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ScottJ
                      Hi Anson,

                      There's a slight chance we could get a release out tomorrow but our QA process uncovered a problem with the new RT volume field and it may take a bit longer to resolve. To be on the safe side, it's more likely to be ready next week.

                      Good job, an excuse, ya'll didn't learn from my first post.

                      Never seems to fail. eSignal not on the ball yet, go figure!!!


                      • #12

                        I'm not sure where all your hostility comes from but I wouldn't call "QA Testing" an excuse. All releases (for any good company) are typically dependent on the QA process going smoothly. We don't want to release software to our customers that doesn't function well. We're very close to a release but it won't go out until it's solid. Most users appreciate that approach.

                        If you have some issue with our service that you'd like to get rectified (that is perhaps causing your hostile approach), feel free to PM me at anytime. We aim to have happy customers, not disgruntled ones.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ScottJ

                          I'm not sure where all your hostility comes from but I wouldn't call "QA Testing" an excuse. All releases (for any good company) are typically dependent on the QA process going smoothly. We don't want to release software to our customers that doesn't function well. We're very close to a release but it won't go out until it's solid. Most users appreciate that approach.

                          If you have some issue with our service that you'd like to get rectified (that is perhaps causing your hostile approach), feel free to PM me at anytime. We aim to have happy customers, not disgruntled ones.

                          "for any good company"

                          You are implying that you are a good company?

                          Can I ask any other customer to come forward that honestly believes this?


                          Oh btw, I have been pissed with the performance of this company since I joined. The high data fees, many things. Quality Assurance indeed. I am assured that there will be a delay after at least 5 months of working on eSignal.

                          But.... what can I say, I'm forced to deal with this BS, no competition, and you buy out all the other competition. Good job.


                          • #14

                            Market Data is a very competitive industry and we have many worthy competitors. We may have merged with a few but consumers have loads of choices still.

                            You seem like you have your mind made up but the invitation still remains that if you want to specifically get assistance with any issue you are having, feel free to PM me. Here's a few links of interest.

                            eSignal Accolades and Awards

                            Informal quotes and comments from eSignal subscribers



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ScottJ

                              Market Data is a very competitive industry and we have many worthy competitors. We may have merged with a few but consumers have loads of choices still.

                              You seem like you have your mind made up but the invitation still remains that if you want to specifically get assistance with any issue you are having, feel free to PM me. Here's a few links of interest.

                              eSignal Accolades and Awards

                              Informal quotes and comments from eSignal subscribers

                              Here is my issue. We were told mid-april. We were told Friday. Tomorrow is Friday. eSignal 8 should be released tomorrow. Meet the deadline or have a ticked off customer. Fairly simple process.

                              BTW, nice job making me seem like the bad guy. It does require good skill to turn it all around, but your customers are not stupid. So don't try and make a fool out of me.

                              I'm done here, I'm just waiting for the right time to switch out of here so I don't support a terrible company.

