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eSignal outage

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  • eSignal outage

    Support Team,

    Pls see if you can find a way to inform users when such problems happen.
    It is just impossible to acess your servers to know what is going on when the network is down.

    It seems to me that the options available are : sending an email to customers (or at leat the brokers); installing a more powerful server which users can access in times of problems or providing more information to customers through the Data Manager itself.

    This is the second time in the past few months that a major disruption happens at eSignal.

    Herval Cossi

  • #2
    Hello Herval,

    Thank you for the input & those are good suggestions. On those lines, we are working on taking the forums and putting them on a seperate network. Once this project is complete and if there is eSignal connectivity problems, the forums will not be affected.

    I also recommend signing up for email notifications to this forum, that way you will receive an email whenever we make an important announcement. This morning you would not have received an email however once we move the forums to their own network you will have full access anytime.



    • #3

      I agree with Herval and feel that this issue must take priority and eSignal should address it urgently.

      For whatever reason, esignal is experiencing a significant amount of outages. After the last major outage the issue of hosting the forums and status page was mooted but has not been done. What is the delay with this?

      It is very frustrating to have the whole system go down and not to be able to use any form of contact except telephone and then you go into a queue of 5000 people.

      $50 on the company credit card will get you hosting for a year for the status page and forums. Why does this have to take so long?

      I would appreciate a serious answer to this even if the answer is "It is stuck in comittee and may happen in a year or two"


      • #4
        We are actively working on placing our forums outside of our network so when we have problems like today, we can still communicate to customers. No question we need it.

        Our Forums and our File Share share the same database and have always resided within our core network. We need to place new hardware in a co-locataion facility and extensively test the routing logic. Considering the amount of information in both of the File Share and Forums, we want to be extremely cautious and deliberate.

        Further complicating the matter, we were right in the middle of an upgrade to our Forums and implementing a new redundancy plan for both web sites when we went down last month. It's high on our priority list and we will get it done as soon as possible.


