I am trying a program that adds-on to eSignal called "DecisionBar". It talks about an eSignal Advnaced Charing requirement and a product called Multi-Charts. How do I acquire either or both? Ideas?
eSignal has two levels of charting; standard and advanced. If you subscribe to the eSignal "Basic" package you only get Standard charting. If you take Premier or eSignal Real-Time, you get our Advanced Charting package as well. A quick way to determine if you have Advanced charting is to simply right-click on a symbol in your quote window and then choose Advanced Charting. If it works, you have it! If greyed out, you must be on Basic.
Decision Bar appears to be a custom EFS (eSignal Formula Script) so you just need Advanced Charting and then this custom EFS. This page from their site appears to address how to get that EFS.
I subscribed to Risk Compass. The program I download initially was out of date and refused to load. How do I obtain a current version of Risk Compass? Where?