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E-Mini Daily Candlestick problem

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  • E-Mini Daily Candlestick problem

    Hi everybody,

    I've been noticing that each evening, when doing my analysis, that the candlestick for the day just concluded on a daily chart of the e-minis (ES, YM, NQ & AB) doesn't display what actually happened. In many cases it's way off. To the best of my knowledge, it usually doesn't get fixed until midnight (eastern) or so... that's kind of a problem for me as I'd like to be finished analysing by this time, not just getting started.

    Has anybody else had this problem?

    If so, is there a way to fix it or work around it?


  • #2
    Hi george65202,

    Based on your description, my guess is that this has something to do with your time template, where you need to use only the data from the daily session. For information on Time Templates see this article in the eSignal KnowledgeBase. Another potential solution is to use only the daily data by appending your symbol with = 2 ... for example ES #F = 2.

