I subscribe to the third party add-on "Market Profiles", which is offered by eSignal. I use it daily, but find it very confining in terms of being restricted by not being able to add other studies to it (as with an efs study), not being able to use simple tools line "line tools." I suggest that you create an "efs study profile" which we could incorporate with other studies. Steidlmayer Software, Inc. (SteveHawkins, manager and co-author of their book) could probably help you with this. I do not think you need to offer all the features, nor even have all the Alphabet letters in the time pattern, but you could arrange the ticks in basic bell curve (standingon its side), with the "value area (.68% = 2 std deviations) colored separately from the top and bottom tails.
In fact a currrent article in the magtazine might be helpful too (last one in 2002 by Donald Jones), since you now offer the feature as an add-on, and just raised the monthly rate from $10.00 a month to $35.00, beginning September 1, 2006, on the basis of many new features, accordingto esignal's announcing email. I would like to read about those new features for what I already subscribeto, and have a suppporting EFS Study to let me take it farther down the development road, especially since I already pay the additional fee to eSignal.