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Reset Password

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  • Reset Password

    I need to reset my esginal software password. I have used the account maintenance page but it wont recognize any passwords that I enter.

    How do I go about getting a new password so that I can access my product?

    btw, using latest esignal

  • #2
    Password Reset

    Dear client

    Thank you for your post.

    You can change you Login Password on the Account Maintenance webspace or by contacting us directly.

    Please be aware that the Username and Password fields are case sensitive.

    To replace you new Login details on the software, please follow these steps:

    -Maximize the Data Manager, click on File and then Properties. Re-enter the correct Login details.

    -Also, maximize the eSignal application, click on File, then click on Preferences and then the Connections Tab, re-enter the correct Login details.

    -Close both the eSignal and the Data Manager and reopen.

    If you are still experiencing problems and you wish to contact us regarding this issue, please e-mail us on [email protected] or call us on +44 (0)20 7825 8777 (UK Office), +61 2 9261 1513 (Australia Office) or (510) 264-1700 (US Office).

