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Looking at a complete re-design of the Quote Window

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  • Looking at a complete re-design of the Quote Window

    We are in the early stages of redesigning the basic Quote, portfolio and summary windows into one new multi-functional quote window. We've had quite a bit of feedback on what we should add but we haven't asked before what we should keep! One of the manin concerns when a total redesign is being planned is not to remove any key features people use and value. Since users don't typically express what they like, we tend to get more feedback on what they don't like or think is missing.

    Please use this thread to tell us what features that currently exist in any of the 3 aforementioned window types should be carried over into the new window.


  • #2
    To keep:
    In the Quote Window - Change Expiration, Insert Autolist/OptionChain, Auto Sorting
    In the Portfolio Window - Portfolio Log


    • #3
      Make sure that you can choose to delete fields and keep a simple display. I mainly use the summary window to switch between symbols. I display only the Symbol, Last, Change, Volume. I only allow about 10% of the screen for this. Now that doesn't mean if the new window is a lot better I might change my philosophy, but then again............


      • #4
        Keep and Add for QuoteWindows

        I hope that the Autosort feature will be there again, that change since the Open and % and every fields will be there also.

        Also, hope to see again the possibilities to split a QuoteWindows in subpart with a title for each. This usefull for to put sotck in cataegory as SOX, BIOTech, etc...

        Improvement: EFS for custom fields! Also, a great feature could be basic graphic plugin (as RavenQuote do). The most usefull graph: could be linegraph (Medved do it well), mini-histo, trend or sequence graph.

        Tab on quotesheet will be an improvement also.


        • #5
          Just whatever you do allow us the option to keep it as simple and uncluttered as it is now, because screen space is at a premium.

          Maybe an advanced and a standard quote window like with the charts. I just don't want to wake up one morning and find the quote windows have become video games requiring 50% more space on the screen.

          Thank you.


          • #6
            I would like to see the ability to choose symbol column background color in the Summary window kept.
            That is one option I miss in a Quote window. It may not be much but I like the way it distinguishes that column from the rest of the fields.



            • #7
              Originally posted by TechAnalysis
              ... I just don't want to wake up one morning and find the quote windows have become video games requiring 50% more space on the screen....
              I agree with you that the user should have the choice to choose his setup as Ravenquote allow, you can put simple information or more complex information for your convenient. This is the samething the present Quote sheet, you can add or drop column field as you want, I am not interesting by many available fields and I don't display them.

              I know that eSignal are enought professional for to give us a revamp Quotesheet that will meet the flexibility that each user required.


              • #8
                How about allowing to filter the quote window with our own criteria...

                So we place 50 symbols inside the quote window... and enter criteria that should filter these symbols.. and when the criteria is met.. the stock is highlighted.. or whatever..

                The criteria should be allowed to be done via efs...



                • #9
                  We need EFS capability inside the quote window... this can be more vital than EFS inside a chart.... primarily for daytraders..


                  • #10
                    It seem that EFS inside quotesheet will be delayed at the version 8 later this year, but the good news is that eSignal have this great feature longt time awaiting in his plan.

