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Time & Sales oddities

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  • Time & Sales oddities

    I've been watching the T&S on the Eurostoxx 50 futures the last few days and something has seemed unusual to me. Alot of Buy (offers taken) volume despite the market heading down at that very moment.

    I decided to do some snooping of the T&S data today with the help of Market Delta.

    Here's the T&S. Pls note the 611 lots @ 3843 price traded at 6:57:11 EST. This has a green background which shows it to be a buy (offer taken). I have refreshed the T&S several times to ensure it remains consistent and it has.

    Notice how it trades 611 @ 3843 shown as a buy but then it turns 3843 offer the very same moment. Then 3842 bid is given (sold) the next second. (this is off the screen at the top and isn't shown here) This would imply to me that the original 611 lots done at 3843 was a Sell and not a buy. But ok that's just an implication right?

    Now look at this. Marketdelta showing a 1min timeframe footprint chart. I also restarted Marketdelta to ensure a good print and it remained consistent as well.

    Look at the 6:57 footprint. It shows that at the price of 3843... 799 lots traded on the Bid side. ie. they were Sells.

    Now if you look back at the T&S posted above.... all the trades done @ 3843 price @ 6.57 ... if you add up all the trades shown there, they add up to 799 lots exactly. As shown on Marketdelta.

    So why does Marketdelta show them as sells while eSignal's T&S shows them as Buys? Marketdelta also supports my above thoughts that the trades done at 3843 were sells due to the way it flipped to 3843 offer and 3842 bid being sold a sec after.

    I'm finding the T&S kinda suspect in its accuracy. I've seen buying dominating way too much in the ET Z6-DT even when it's been heading down.

    One last screenshot. I have a size filter here of 300 applied.
    Look at how almost every trade has been a Buy (offer taken). I've seen alot of Buys lately and very few sells in comparison. And all this despite some down days in the ET Z6-DT. Sure buying can exist in mkts being sold but it's been way too many buy prints and I don't see many sell prints! Also the no. of blue blackgrounds (inside trades or whatever) has greatly increased the last few days. This implies that something may have changed somewhere recently.

    To be fair... this problem only seems to have started since the rollover to the Dec contract. And it also seems to have started around the same time that Eurex was having problems. Can eSignal pls check if there's been some complication somewhere. This may be a Eurex specific issue. I have no idea.

    Would eSignal like to comment or can you pls check it out? I don't have full confidence that the T&S is showing me the true picture right now. Thank you!

    I would also like to link back to a previous thread I made almost 2 weeks ago here:

    I had then been updating my T&S records when I noticed 2 days that had formerly been reported as mostly Buys flipping to Sells then back to Buys again over 2 days. I'm not sure if this is related but all the issues seem to stem from this last rollover from ET U6-DT to ET Z6-DT. Perhaps eSignal can check if any change was made to the system then. Thank you.

    Last edited by Anson; 09-22-2006, 05:10 AM.

  • #2

    Please refer to this T&S screenshot once again where I was pretty sure the 3843 prints were Sells and not buys.

    Now please have a look at the bottom image. This was taken after several restarts of eSignal earlier hours later. Notice how the buys have changed to sells!! And now matches MarketDelta and what I was saying. Also notice that the blue background (inside trades?) trades are now gone.

    Can eSignal please review this and let us know what's going on? I don't mean to sound harsh but it's very frustrating because I rely alot on T&S data and I'm sure many others do. I actually have a spreadsheet recording each "sized" trade for multiple days and weeks.

    I worry about the accuracy of the data being reported and I'm still wondering how far back this issue stretches.

    Please do reply. Thank you!
    Last edited by Anson; 09-22-2006, 07:37 AM.


    • #3
      Also... notice how the bigger picture has changed. This was the 3rd screenshot that I had posted with the comment that there have been too many buy trades dominating of late... looking unusual.

      And this is the latest screenshot of the same trades but after several restarts hours later as I had come back from a trip out. Notice the huge difference in the reporting. Now many buys are reported as sells and looks alot more natural. So what's going on?


      • #4
        Hi Anson,

        Can you please PM me your eSignal username? I would like to take a look at your current connections to see what may be causing this. Thanks for the screenshots...they definately helped in this case.


        • #5
          I have painfully checked most of the T&S data for the ET Z6-DT all the way back to 09/06/2006. The data from Sept 21st and 22nd has changed dramatically. I honestly think that this current data is the more accurate one based on what I've seen. I have no idea how the previous data was off and what caused it but it seems ok for now. I hope eSignal can find out what caused the problem and prevent it from happening again.

          All that stuff about the last 2 days being dominated by mostly buy volume isn't true anymore. For some reason, a good amount of buys have flipped to sells. And it's not just one day's data. It's for a good 2 days. So it sure doesn't seem like a temporary connection issue that a reboot or restart would have fixed.

          I had restarted eSignal numerous times but it just suddenly fixed itself after I had a weird tick problem earlier with the tick servers not fetching some historical data when I restarted eSignal after coming home. I even spoke to Terrell on Livechat about it. A few more restarts and a reboot later and the whole thing fixed itself. Weird! Unless Terrell had switched my tick server.


          • #6
            One more question that was on my mind this weekend. Why did MarketDelta display the trades correctly as Sells while the eSignal app displayed them as Buys on the T&S?

            I'm really curious how they were different whilst they shared the same datafeed. Can eSignal perhaps provide some insight into this? It may also shed some light on the problem.


            • #7
              eSignal staff,

              The problem is back!!! Can someone pls help me resolve this or can someone please switch my tick server so I can see if it helps???

              How do I know it's back? The same old sell trades on Friday have now switched back to Buy once more!! And today's T&S sees alot of buys and several "inside trades" but very few sells!


              • #8
                Ok. This is scary.
                I exit the eSignal app and restart it twice.
                And now it's back to the "proper" state!

                What's going on seriously? Why are some connections "accurate" while some others aren't??

                You can see the time of queries below circled in red.
                I really hope eSignal is investigating this!


                • #9
                  Hi Anson,

                  Yes we are investigating this. Based on our PM exchange on Friday, I'm in the process of checking your current connections to isolate why these differences are being seen. I'll follow up to this thread once I know more.


                  • #10

                    That's good to know. Thanks.

                    As it is... I had almost bought some futures last week since all the "false" buys were making for a buy setup in my system.

                    Only gut instinct held me back as things didn't feel right to me.

                    And of course, I should have been shorting instead since those were actually Sells and not buys after all. Obviously, I had missed that Sell trade as this problem has gotten me all confused about my data's integrity. I have only just been able to figure out the problem and that I should be Short-biased instead.

                    I really hope this can be resolved soon and that I won't have to keep worrying about the accuracy of the data. Or miss any more trades.

                    Originally posted by DuaneG
                    Hi Anson,

                    Yes we are investigating this. Based on our PM exchange on Friday, I'm in the process of checking your current connections to isolate why these differences are being seen. I'll follow up to this thread once I know more.


                    • #11
                      Just an update.

                      I had to reconnect to eSignal more than 5 times today to get the T&S to work right. Same old problem when I first started and it remained the same until enough restarts of the eSignal app and Datamanager.

                      Which problem? Sells appearing as Buys and alot of "inside" trades that were mostly actually Sells as well.

                      As I type, I'm going thru the same process again right now... restarting and exiting to try and fix the feed.

                      This is how my 60mins ES chart looks with the connection issue right now.

                      Last edited by Anson; 09-26-2006, 08:22 AM.


                      • #12

                        I've sent you a couple of PM's regarding your account connections. Please respond at your earliest convienence. Thanks.


                        • #13
                          Hi Duane,

                          I've replied. Thanks.


                          • #14
                            Any update?


                            • #15

                              I've been running a test over the last few days by utilizing the same connections that you were and have not been able to duplicate this.

                              Below are two screenshots. One was taken Wednesday, the other was taken Thursday morning (eSignal was shut down overnight). As I compared the Time and Sales prints, I'm not seeing any discrepancies between the two in either it being a trade at ask or trade at bid.

                              At this point, I need to escalate this case to our QA Department so that the various server connections can be evaluated. Thanks again for your patience.

