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eSignal 8.0 crashes

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  • eSignal 8.0 crashes

    I back test strategies on YM #F and other 5 minute bar continuous futures contracts in Advancing charting. eSignal crashes regularly when I try to chart data more than a month old. When I restart all my chart trend lines, text notes, etc. are gone, which represents a day's work for me.

    If such crashes are unavoidable, can't an auto-save feature be implemented so that charts are saved every half hour or so, as MS does with Word and Excel documents? But why are these crashes so frequent? I cannot reliably scroll back thru 80 days of intraday data.

  • #2

    Are you seeing the eSignal Crash reporter pop-up? If so, are you "sending" those reports to us? If so, they'll be a counter on your account and we can ask an engineer to look at them.

    If you are not seeing our crash reporter, are you getting a Microsoft crash report or is it just locking up?



    • #3
      i do get Blue Screen after a while.
      It is not regularly, but very often, that i run eSignal 8.0 and leave the computer for about an hour and when i cpme back, i get my BSOD.
      It is only when esignal is running and also if no other program started.
      No problem with other programs, only eSignal 8.0

      My computer is a Dell Inspiron 9400 2.16 Core Duo, 2 GB RAM, Win XP Pro SP2 with all updates.



      • #4
        Hi Robert,
        The Blue Screen is synonymous with hardware conflicts within Windows. It is extremely rare that an application would cause the BSOD, but not impossible.

        Some things you can look into are new items that may have been installed on the computer (software as well as hardware). You can check in the system roll back feature for this. Rollback will give you the history of everything installed in the passed couple of months. You can then use this same Windows feature to remove any software installed and manually remove any new hardware.

        Lastly, try uninstalling the eSignal 8.0 and going with an earlier version which you can get here to really determine if it is the 8.0 or something else. Please see the instructions on how to uninstall eSignal here.

        I hope this helps.
        eSignal Support


        • #5
          okay. Thank you.
          I'll try this.


