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eSignal/Quotrek Can't use at the same time any longer?

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  • eSignal/Quotrek Can't use at the same time any longer?

    I'm using eSignal 7.7 and running Quotrek on my Treo 650. Since Quotrek doesn't offer alerts, I have eSignal set up to send my Treo an email when the alert is triggered.

    But, recently I find that when I turn on Quotrek I'm getting the message "New User has logged in with the same username on another device." When I hit OK it shuts down Quotrek. When I restart Quotrek, everything seems to be fine. Except that I find out it has logged my eSignal off. So, I can no longer receive my alerts.

    Is there a way to fix this? If not, I will cancel my Quotrek subscription. (I won't even go into the fact that on 3/30/05 you guys posted you would be coming out with a fix for the Treo 650 font issue).

  • #2
    Hi Bruce,

    You can add QT to your account in two ways.

    1) Add as an alternate device but share exchange fees. In this case, you can only use 1 device at a time.

    2) Add as a 2nd device and pay exchange fees on both and use both at anytime.

    This has been the design since the release of QT. If you experienced otherwise prior, we should look at your account and see what was happening.

    On the Treo issue, I apologize for the delay. I do think we're close to a new version to fix that small font problem.


