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Possible to Overlay Charts in Different Panes?

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  • Possible to Overlay Charts in Different Panes?

    Hello all,

    I had a question about eSignal.

    Basically, I am trying to plot 2 different markets in the same chart, one in the top pane, and one in the bottom pane.

    I know that eSignal's Overlay feature can plot multiple symbols, but they are all in the same pane.

    Also, I have seen a Candlestick Indicator.efs. That comes close to what I need, but it appears I can't change the Candles to hollow colors.

    Essentially, what I am trying to do is plot a YM Candlestick chart in the top pane, with solid candles = down bars and hollow candles = up bar.

    And, I would like to place a $TICK Candlestick chart in the bottom pane of the chart, with solid candles = down bars and hollow candles = up bar.

    Is there anyway I can do this in eSignal?

    Last edited by sprtrader; 10-27-2006, 11:38 AM.

  • #2
    Unfortunately this is not possible, however, it is a good idea. You can submit a request to have this feature added to eSignal by emailing us at [email protected]. This is the email to our product development group.

    Another approach in regards to that EFS that you saw, is that if you can find out the author of that particular study, you can contact them to see if you can modify the study to accommodate your needs.

    eSignal Support


    • #3
      I forgot to mention one other alternative. You can open up another chart window and arrange them on your screen to look somewhat like what you are trying to do.

      eSignal Support


      • #4
        Hi JayM,

        Thank you very much for responding, and thanks for the tips.

        BTW, what would be the best way to contact the author of the study through this message board. Should I send him/her a Private Message?


        • #5
          Actually my colleague found a study that may be the one your looking for.

          Give this study a try and let me know if it will work for you. We actually did a search in the forums for this. Go up to the top of the forums screen and click on search. Enter in the keyword and then click on perform search.

          eSignal Support
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Thanks JayM.

            However, that study is not what I am looking for. I'm just looking for a way to plot the symbol itself in the bottom pane of the chart.

            The closest indicator that I've been able to find is the Candlestick Indicator.efs. But, that is still a little limited.

            I've sent in my suggestion to your Ideas department.

            In the meantime, I'll do as you suggest and just line up 2 separate charts.

            Thanks again for your help JayM.

