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Multiple Windows

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  • Multiple Windows

    I just subscribed to E-Signal today. I have a multiple screens and would like one screen to contain only sector charts and the other screens to contain different items such as quote monitors and 1 minute charts. I cannot seem to be able to open a new page and drag it to the other screen. I believe I have the screens configured properly since I can move the sector charts to any of the three sceens that I have. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to correct this problem? Thanks

  • #2
    Re: Multiple Windows

    Originally posted by geckko
    I just subscribed to E-Signal today. I have a multiple screens and would like one screen to contain only sector charts and the other screens to contain different items such as quote monitors and 1 minute charts. I cannot seem to be able to open a new page and drag it to the other screen. I believe I have the screens configured properly since I can move the sector charts to any of the three sceens that I have. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to correct this problem? Thanks
    If you are having the same problem I had the first day I used eSignal then:

    When you open up the new chart that you want to drag to one of your monitors, click on the "restore down" icon in the upper right hand corner of the chart window you wish to move (not the "restore down" icon in the upper right of the eSignal layout screen).

    It's the small box in the upper right, and looks like two small overlapping windows, immediately to the left of the X (close) box.

    Then you need to click the pin cusion icon which is the fourth from the left in the upper right hand corner of the chart window you want to drag to the monitor.

    At that point the chart window can be dragged by single clicking and holding down the left mouse button on the blue bar on top of the advanced chart screen and letting go of the mouse when you have it situated properly.

    Hope this setsyou straight.
    Glen Demarco
    [email protected]


    • #3
      Welcome to eSignal!

      In case this also helps, here's a good KB article on the use of pages vs layouts and includes a link to a video on the same subject.

      Overall, you'll find loads of good information in the eSignal KnowledgeBase (KB) so when you get a moment, take some time to review the categories or run some searches.



      • #4
        Something I did to have two different layouts in two different monitors is simple:

        start up esignal twice. It works nicely.


        • #5
          Even though it will work you may want to be aware that eSignal does not recommend running multiple instances of the application. For more information on this you may want to see this article in the eSignal KnowledgeBase

