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eSignal crashes with spread settings

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  • eSignal crashes with spread settings

    I have set up a number of spread settings with simple formulas to create indices.
    When I click on one of the spread setting symbols in a quote page to chart it on adv charts, the first one usually works, but when I ask for a second one I get "an invalid argument was encountered" and if I continue to try to have it plot the chart, I get "Runtime error! crogram files\eSignal\winsig.exe R6025 pure virtual function call" and then upon hitting any key eSignal crashes.
    Who knows what this is all about and if there is a fix for it? It is a real pain.

  • #2
    There was a bug in version 8.0 build 779 which could cause a crash when creating spreads.
    If that is the version and build you are running then you may want to upgrade to build 782 which fixes that issue. You can download version 8.0 build 782 from here


    • #3
      Thanks very much, Alexis, but I have been using build 782 of 7/20/06 and it does not solve my problem.

      Perhaps I should explain further.
      I have built about 30 stock indices, each as a spread setting. For example my simplest, the auto industry is called "AUTOS" with the formula (12.95F + 5.15GM) / 2. When I try to plot this in an adv chart, no problem. However, if I try to plot these indices relative to the market, in an equation such as AUTOS / $SPX I get the error message and the crash. Not every time. But about every other time.

      Is there still a bug or ?


      • #4
        Hi Brooktrout,

        As Alexis had mentioned there was a bug in version 779. If as you said you are and have been on 782 for a while we would have to look at some other things.

        First I guess I would have some questions to see if we can get this resolved. And we can take the offliine if you would like.

        You said the crash happens when plotting the second of several custom. Can you add a second less complex symbol to you list. Do the first symbol, have it load. Then try adding the second less complicated symbol. If it loads can we then go on to another.
        Can you tell me if it crashes then if at all.

        Lastly in your esignal directoy you have a spread.xml file if you could send this file over me i can test the spread in my version of 782. If I see the same results I can better troubleshoot and come up with a resolutions.

        You can PM me for my email address if you need to.

        I look forward to hearing from you

        esignal Support

