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More Pivots Questions

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  • More Pivots Questions

    It seems the data that the Daily Pivot Point(S) formulas are taking is incorrect. I independently keep track of the pivots on a daily basis. When I overlay them on the chart and compare them to the ESignal points they are typically off. The weekly numbers look very close. The formula(s) that I'm using are the same as in E-Signal. A good example of the data problem is yesterday on 12/4, the high low and close per an independent source for the RLX(SP Retailers Index) were 505.48, 496.7 and 503.16. If you pull up a daily chart per E-Signal the numbers were 507.7, 496.7 and 505.45. However, if you go to the 1 minute chart you can clearly see that the close was 503.16. I don't understand how the daily chart can have one close and the 1 minute can have another. I depend on these figures a lot and would like to be able to incorporate them into E-Signal. Also, the daily high wasn't even close to the number reported on E-Siganl. What am I missing?

  • #2
    Pivot Point Data

    Ok. I found out why the pivot points were not calculating properly, the daily data was not being posted. I pulled up various stocks and in some instances the 12/4 data was in there and some cases it wasn't. How do I get the missing data in my chart and is there anyway to prevent this from happening in the future? Thanks.


    • #3
      Hi Geckko,

      Let me look into this and I'll post the finding to this forum.



      • #4
        Hi Geckko,

        It appears that this index send it's last price for the day between 16:00 and 16:05 each day (EST). What sounds like may be happening is on your intraday charts you could be using the Auto feature in the time template or the time template is set to stop collecting data at the exact time the market closes. What I would recommend is creating a custom time template that would allow your charts to continue collecting data for a few minutes after market closes to get those last few trades.

        Please Click here for a KB article on creating and applying time templates.

        eSignal Support
        Last edited by eSignal_AveryH; 12-07-2006, 09:00 AM.


        • #5
          I will set-up today and let yoy know results. Thank you.


          • #6
            Looks like changing the cloing time work, many thanks....


            • #7
              Glad we could be of assistance to you with the Pivots.

              Good Luck with your trading.

              Esignal Support


              • #8
                More Pivots Questions

                The pivots do not update right away in the morning after the first 5 minute bars on my charts. I have them set for 8:30-15:15. In order to get them to update I have to delete them and put them back againn. That doesn't seem correct. I even hit the reload and that doesn't work. Does anyone know how to correct this problem? Thanks.


                • #9
                  Hi Geckko,
                  We've done some testing and am unable to duplicate what you writing about with the pivots.

                  What we can do tomorrow morning is try and duplicate it in real time. We have your times but if you could post the symbol(s) your looking at along with what version of eSignal you're using we can have it setup here. I'll post our finding on here to the forum, and If you would like someone to contact you please PM me with you contact information and tomorrow morning we'll contact you.

                  eSignal Support


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the help guys. The symbols that I'm looking at are the RLX, HGX, DRG, SOX, XBD, XAL, DFX, XNG. Like I said, I'm not sure why it takes so long for the pivots to adjust, any help would be appreciated.


                    • #11
                      Good Morning Greckko,
                      I have attached two of the 16 charts that we've been watching for the passed couple of day to see if the pivots were not populating on the charts as you stated.

                      Below are a 5 minute and a 15 minute chart with pivots. As you can see the pivots have continued from the day before without us restarting or re-adding the pivots . Is it possible you have some other studies or indicators that may be conflicting with the Pivot Points?

                      eSignal Support


                      • #12

                        Did the pivot points come into the next day with the first 5 minute bar? My problem is that they were taking to long to change. The only other studies I have up are two moving averages and the previous day close. Sometimes the previous day close gets stuck and states that it's still loading.


