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previous day high/low

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  • previous day high/low

    Is there any way of seeing in the quote window, or anywhere the previous days high low, i dont even mind if they have to on my chart somewhere.


  • #2
    Hi wilczek,

    This kind of information is available via the Advanced Chart window through an EFS study. The studies are located in the Formulas folder off of the right-click menu. Here's an example of the Previous High and Previous Low study. Both have been applied to the chart and are illustrated with a dark line.

    You can customize color and thickness of the lines by opening these studies in the EFS Editor and making the respective changes. Hope this helps.


    • #3
      Almost, I am looking at a daily chart at the end of the day, e.g. after mkt close for say end of day trading. My entry would be say break of previous days low or high. Therefore I need to see at the end of today what the days high and low where so i can set my orders up for tomrrow.

      Thanks again.


      • #4
        From that same folder, you may want to try the following studies. These indicators illustrate the current days high and low.

        Keep in mind that these studies won't show up on the daily bar, but will fully accesible from an intraday chart.


        • #5
          Sorry that doesnt work when looking at a daily chart ???

          Any ideas ?


          • #6

            Please see my previous post....

            Keep in mind that these studies won't show up on the daily bar, but will fully accessible from an intraday chart.
            The only other suggestion I can make is to use the daily High and Low price in the Quote Window.


            • #7
              Thanks, I will work with that, thanks again for your great support.


              • #8
                Thread split. New thread is now here

