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eSignal 8.0 under Vista

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  • eSignal 8.0 under Vista

    New computer, with Vista (no choice)

    eSignal seemed to work fine for two days, then ...

    The tick playback control panel became truncated on the right and bottom edges. You know, where the control butons are located. A tiny sliver of the buttons on the right edge is visible, and I can click them. If I click Play, the tick by tick replay will in fact start. But I can't get to any of the controls on the bottom.

    I've tried:

    reinstalling eSignal
    uninstalling and reinstalling eSignal
    adjusting screen size (monitor is wide screen)
    deleting all tick replay files and folders, rebuilding them
    installing an older version of eSignal

    numerous combinations of the above

    I've investigated a downgrade of Vista to XP, but so far the smart money says it can't be done.

    Hmmm. I have an old copy of Win98, and a 98 to XP upgrade ...


    any one else having trouble?
    any one have a suggestion?

  • #2
    Hi Pflash50,

    We are working on fixes for our next version of eSignal which should be out within the next few months. This includes testing on Vista. In the mean time, if you like, we are looking for beta testers for 8.1 which is more adaptable to vista.

    Here is the link if you're interested:


    • #3
      Hi Pflash50,
      This sounds not to be a problem with Vista but maybe you have just run into a problem with your Winsig.ini file becoming corrupt.

      What I recommend to you is closing eSignal and the Data Manager,
      Go into the following file C:\Windows\Winsig.ini open the file and with in the first 17 lines you will see Layout=C:\Program Files\eSignal\(Your Layout name), the next line below this should be bLongSymbol=TRUE,

      Starting at bLongSymbol=TRUE hightlight and delete all line, (EVERYTHING) below it.
      Save and close the ini file and relaunch eSignal.

      Try running the Tick Replay. You should be good.

      Let us know if you have any other problems

      eSignal Support


      • #4
        Rebuilding the ini file fixed the Playback Control problem. Thanks.

        Another problem has developed. At first it seemed like it was a "screen saver" related problem, but we have turned off all that stuff (at least I'm pretty sure we have) and trouble still haunts us.

        Primary symptoms - after some trigger event (usually after hours of normal operation):

        1) the screen goes black,
        2) the icon bar (usually across the bottom of the screen) moves to the tiop of the screen,
        3) most controls stop respoding to mouse clicks,
        4) random (in both size and location) rectangular sections of the desktop (and any running apps) begin to appear, usually for about one second.

        (You can see why I thought it might be screen saver related.)

        The most recent trigger event was clicking on a BT icon in the status bar to bring it on top. The symptoms appeared instantly. Prior to that everyting was normal, except that the time display at the lower right corner of the screen was "blacked out", and had been for "a while" (prehaps 30 to 40 minutes).

        eSignal and Bracket Trader are the only apps running on this machine.

        Besides Vista ... hmmm.

        The only way to recover is a hard reboot.


        Sure hope you guys are as good on this one as the last one.


        • #5
          Additional testing is beginning to point the finger at Bracket Trader. I will try an earlier version to see if anything changes.

