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problem time template

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  • problem time template

    I have a problem with this time template. I created a time template (9am to 6.30 pm) but my chart is not following this time template.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    In looking at your chart it seems that you are on Central European Time (ie GMT +1). Because a Time Template is based on chart times you are in effect plotting EBAY between 03:00 and 11:30. (US Eastern Time). However EBAY normally trades between 06:50 and 20:00 ET (including pre/post market) which is equivalent to 12:50/02:00 CET
    Try changing your Time Template to start at 15:00 and end at 23:30 which are the equivalent European times to the 09:00/17:30.settings you currently have
    In the two images enclosed below you can see the difference between these settings when the computer is set to Central European Time
    Note that in eSignal 8.1 (currently in public beta) it is now possible to display the chart times as Local, Exchange or GMT times which means that if you set the charts to use Exchange time you will then be able to define the Time Template times as 09:00/17:30 ie without the need of timezone adjustments.

