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Market Profile

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  • Market Profile

    Hi Guys,

    I've been trying to work out the profile charts (just new to them) and seem to have quite a few bugs!
    I,ve attached 2 charts where the splits have been added however the tpo's are forming horizontally??????

    the second issue I have is where the chart goes blank white, no detail if I change symbols.. eg... GBP A0-FX to EUR A0-FX.
    I change time templates and the data apears then if I change symbol again to JPY A0-FX then back to GBP A0-FX the data is gone. Once again I try a different time template until finally no settings work.

    I change the interval by pressing comma (,) then d for a daily interval or 30 for a 30 minute inteval sometimes this works other times when I change the chart goes blank.

    Any Ideas on these problems?

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Market Profile

    Hi Guys,

    Just wondering if anyone can tell me how to read these market profile charts, what each thing means, how to set intervals properly that represent different time frames etc...



    • #3
      For information on Market Profile you may want to see this article in the eSignal KnowledgeBase which also includes links to training videos and to the CBOT's site where you will find a very detailed and complete handbook on Market Profile


      • #4
        Thanks for that, just hit the spot I'd rekon!

        Any Ideas on the buggy issues in my previous post with the chart?

        Guess it's just something to be award of.

        Cheers and thanks heaps


        • #5
          eSignal 10 & Market profile

          version 10 seems to be very buggy. Plus Market Profile is all messed up compared to Version 8. Mine does not refresh at all for Day Profile..........


          • #6
            Buggy Indeed

            I've found even the normal charts to be buggy, great! Refreshing seems to be the problem I'm having, perfect to learn on!
            Well, I guess we keep paying and prayin! LOL



            • #7
              Hey Rustie and MiniTrader,
              Can you give me a bit more information about your experience with the market profile charts? Both of you mentioned refreshing. Can you elaborate more for me please?

              eSignal Support.


              • #8
                Hi Avery,

                The charts freeze up or go blank after I switch between symbols or time frames and when the profile is split into columns of 30 minute letters the chart sometimes starts to build a mini profile instead of creating a new column for a new letter. If you collapse the columns back to a profile I get an error at first. Once back to a profile state I can then re-split back to individual columns and start again.

                After a while the chart will remain blank if I've swapped symbols a bit so I change the time template from the default auto to something else and this brings back the profile and data. Once again if i change symbols I have to repeat over again.

                I get quite a few bugs in the normal candle charts with v10. Fib retacements disapearing etc lines moving. Mostly after changing time frames or symbols.



                • #9
                  We are able to partially duplicate the currencies on GBP and EUR in the Market Profile. Development is looking to a possible problem with the scaling. We have to investigate further but this could be a issue of the extremely small increments of the currencies that causing this. We will post once we get more information.

                  Your issue with the fibonacci and Trend lines we are unable to duplicate. We added the Fib Retracement to a 1 minute and went through all intervals and it stayed on the chart in position this is the same for any lines we added to the chart.

                  If you’re adding the lines and changing the interval you may have to adjust the your price scaling to allow a larger price increments.
                  When changing symbols eSignal by design will not display the lines or Fibs until you add them for that individual symbol.

                  eSignal Support


                  • #10
                    Hi Avery,

                    The market profile on my end had problems where the entire chart was white, nothing on it and there was no way to get ANY data other than to change time templates - until you run out of templates!

                    The fib / tine / text / anything I put on the chart including, on the odd occasion Bolinger Bands etc disappear or blank out. Today I even had the price below the bottom bollinger 2 dev in a strong up trend. I removed the Bol Bands and replaced them and this sorted the problem.

                    The Fib extension usually keeps the reference lines but the % line disappear.

                    It happens say..... if I have placed lines, text, fibs etc on a 15 minute chart swap to 120 minute then when I go back to 15 there outa wack or gone! All on the same symbol.

                    The best bit is after I've replace the lines / fibos a few times, turn off the computer (after a week) turn it back on, fire up eSignal, there all back, not in the right place, just all bunched up! 10 maybe 20 different fibos all on top of each other! Like they just popped out of the black hole of eSignal.


                    • #11
                      Hi Rustie,
                      Thanks for the information, is there a possibility that you could send you page/Layout over to me so that I can get a look at chart and the lines List. This way I can get a better idea of what might be happening. I have several theories of what it could be but with the page I can come up with a better conclusion. I’ll PM you my file share where you can upload the page.

                      Thanks in advance
                      eSignal Support

