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Chart will only display on 10 min timefram

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  • Chart will only display on 10 min timefram

    For some reason, the charts will only display at one time frame.
    10 min.

    If I switch time frame such as 3 or 5 min.. chart will not display

    Any body have this problem?

    using v7.3

  • #2
    This is the first I have heard of this problem. Here is some things to try to fix the issue.

    1) Try different symbols. Is the same problem occurring?

    2) Try closing all your chart windows that are having this problem, and replacing them with newly built chart windows.

    3) If #2 did not fix the issue, then try a fresh layout. Create a new layout, by Save As... (give a new name), then Window --> Close All, and then add windows as necessary.

    4) If all the above doesn't solve the problem, try a clean uninstall/reinstall. Directions for this can be found at
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


    • #3
      Thanks Jay

      I think I may have found the problem

      For some reason, when I start PALTALK after I started esignal, it will not work correctly.

      I have to start PALTALK first. Then start esignal for it to work correctly.

      Is there a way to find out what is causing this?


      • #4
        There is likely a conflict with PalTalk and eSignal in some way. I will pass this along to our QA Team to see if they can track this down. In the interim, I would suggest using the work-around you found by starting PalTalk before eSignal.
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #5
          Hello Jay,

          I found out not only paltalk but any application I started after esignal will cause it not to work


          • #6

            There is something else going on then. I would suggest an uninstall/reinstall of 7.3, and open a fresh chart to test with.
            Jay F.
            Product Manager
            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11

