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options strike info

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  • options strike info

    Why do my option windows not show the strike price under the symbol column like they used to? now it just shows the symbol but no strike info

  • #2
    Re: Reply to post 'options strike info'

    Try pressing the <F3> key


    • #3
      Thanks, that fixed it. I figured it was something stupid I'd done


      • #4
        F3 -- wow!

        I'm glad you asked this question! Somehow, I pressed the F3, too. (I thought it was a bug in 7.5...).

        eSignal is like a pandoras box of features!

        If anyones actually reading this... Any ideas on how to pre-cache charts I want to look at?

        e.g. I have a list of 200 or so stocks I like to look at everyday at 3:30pm. But, if I click the stock it takes 5-10 secs to load the chart.

        Right now, I just 'hit enter-down-arrow' 200 times in a quote window and that loads each chart into a linked Advanced Chart window and, then, I start at the top of the quote window reviewing the cached charts.

        It's a nuisance but not unbearable...

        I've thought of opening 200-advanced windows and loading that layout. But, my list changes every 2-3 days and it's created from a cut/paste from various scans.

        Anyhow, enough of that -- anyone found a better way than 'enter-down-arrow' to cache chart data?




        • #5

          A quick way to cache data in eSignal is not yet available. I know there has been talk of a way to do an on-line / off-line mode (i.e. a way to load data saved to disk,) however this is likely still in a very early development phase (no ETA avail.)
          Jay F.
          Product Manager
          Have a suggestion to improve our products?
          Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


          • #6
            How about this ChartLoader.EFS?

            Hi Jay --

            Thanks for the reply.

            I tried writing some EFS to do this but it limits me to 5 SYMBOLS in one ESF file. (This works to pre-load the first 5 symbols but pops a debug error on the sixth).

            Any hints/tricks I could use? I was thinking of a 'Open.AdvancedChart' type of command but I don't see anything in EFS that would let me spawn a seperate chart.

            The only other thing that would work: SendKeys from Windows Recorder...

            (Actually: I know this has been mentioned but, multple advanced charts would be a lot quicker because it seems each request to load a symbol blocks and none of my queued symbols get loaded)...

            Thanks again for the reply! EFS below...


            // Cache chart data

            var Symbols = new Array();
            function preMain() {

            setStudyTitle("Chart loader");

            var f = new File("Symbols/WeeklySymbols.txt");
            if(f.exists()) {
            var line;

            while(!f.eof()) {




            function main()

            // Only load once we are on the last bar -- not each time
            if (getCurrentBarIndex() == 0)
            for(n=0; n<Symbols.length; n++)
            getValue("Close", 0, 0, Symbols[n]);


            • #7
              EFS wouldn't be the way to do this at this time due to the limits you mentioned. Probably the best way to load 200 charts in memory is to use some kind of Macro Utility like MacroExpress or Hot Keyboard Pro, which will allow you to press one button to simulate the 'hit enter-down-arrow' 200 times. I haven't used these for awhile, but I believe you can also build in a pause between each keyboard command to give time for the chart to load.

              While certainly this isn't the best solution by any means, this is a decent work-around until the implementation of an off-line mode in eSignal.*

              Jay F.
              eSignal Community Support

              * Please note that this isn't a commitment to creating this feature in eSignal, but just a reference to that possibility.
              Jay F.
              Product Manager
              Have a suggestion to improve our products?
              Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11

