I want to be able to do this:

Run two instances of a tick replay file in two instances of eSignal with different tick intervals, such that I do not have to endure this upon changing the tick interval when in playback mode:
A decidedly long-ass time is how long it takes for that progress bar to recompute 10 days of YM tick data with my studies placed on top of it. (Quad core, 2 gigs of medium-speed ram, separate physical Raptor drive for the paging file, zero background programs running, EFS settings of heapsize 163840K and stack size 320K. I don't know what settings are best for heap size and stack size because eSignal does not tell us, but I list them because they are relevant numbers for EFS computing speed. eSignal person if you reply to this post, please tell me what to set heap size and stack size to for best performance, thanks.)
This is what one sees when one tries to run a second instance of a tick replay file in a second instance of eSignal:

Because the file is in use or whatever. Please make the tick replay files be loaded into some kind of global cache that can be accessed by other instances of eSignal, or make it so changing the tick interval in replay mode does not take a decidedly long-ass time to do.
Much thanks to the eSignal programmers for taking a break from their stat arbing to immediately begin applying thought towards this matter in order to find possible solutions.
Your #1 customer,
I want to be able to do this:

Run two instances of a tick replay file in two instances of eSignal with different tick intervals, such that I do not have to endure this upon changing the tick interval when in playback mode:

This is what one sees when one tries to run a second instance of a tick replay file in a second instance of eSignal:

Because the file is in use or whatever. Please make the tick replay files be loaded into some kind of global cache that can be accessed by other instances of eSignal, or make it so changing the tick interval in replay mode does not take a decidedly long-ass time to do.
Much thanks to the eSignal programmers for taking a break from their stat arbing to immediately begin applying thought towards this matter in order to find possible solutions.
Your #1 customer,