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Esignal freezes up in this situation...

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  • Esignal freezes up in this situation...

    I have my quote window undocked but 2 charts that are docked. All 3 are linked as well. When i maximize one of the charts in esignal & then change the symbol in the quote window, the whole program freezes up & needs to be restarted.

  • #2

    I'm on the current Beta (7.4) so I may not be on the version you are on. I seemed to be able to replicate most of this bug.

    Here's what I did. I set up a quote window and two advanced chart windows and linked the three. Made the charts different time intervals. Then I popped out the quote window. Clicked on various symbols in the quote window and verified that the charts updated fine. Then I maximized one of the chart windows and the eSignal program froze. I was not able to minimize the chart, nor could I open another chart or switch to the other linked chart. I would click on different symbols in the quote sheet and it would highlight the symbol I clicked on, but would not update the linked chart. The only difference I found was that when I popped the quote sheet back into the eSignal program, everything began to work again. So I didn't have to reboot. I'm not sure if you tried that or not, or if me being on a newer version allowed me to that.

    I'll send this off to QA and have it added to the bug list. Hopefully, the fix will be in 7.4 scheduled for release in early July.

    In the mean time, try popping in the quote window to see if that frees up the system.

    Thanks for bringing to our attention.



    • #3
      Hi guys, this should be fixed in the next beta release of 7.4.

      Thanks for the report.

