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Esignal Bandwidth

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  • Esignal Bandwidth

    I am going to be forced to use a Verizon Wireless card in my laptop at work.
    My question is what kind of bandwidth will I be using for the esignal data feed. Verizon restricts the usage to 5GB/month. Am I going to be able to use it all trading days a month?

  • #2
    Hello Thartgrove

    The amount of data required depends on the number of symbols you are tracking and the volume at which they trade.

    Here is a KB article that gives some est. of the bandwidth used depending on the number of symbols you are watching.

    This second link is for Quotrek but give some usefull number of how much usage you could see on a symbols like QQQQ

    Hope this helps,
    Gary Welte
    Advanced GET User


    • #3
      Helps if I include the link

      Here is the second link pointing the the Quotrek usage test.

      Last edited by GaryW; 12-16-2007, 05:37 AM.
      Gary Welte
      Advanced GET User

