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Tick Downloader

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  • Tick Downloader

    After downloading data for the 10 days that is available,
    is there a way to add data for the following day(s) so that
    you can build one file of continuous data? Or must you
    make a new file for each 10 days worth of data?

    Thank you,

  • #2

    I believe you are talking about tick data, correct?
    At the moment, you can download 10 days worth of tick data prior to todays date, no further history is currently available.
    There are plans to increase the amount of tick data available on our servers, which will hopefully be in Q2.
    Hopefully we will be able to give more details in the next month.
    Christine B.


    • #3

      Sorry, I thought the 10 days of data from the Tick
      Downloader could be stored on my computer
      permanently and then, hopefully, built upon to have
      a continuous string of tick data for study purposes.
      I now see that it can't be stored.

      Thank you again,


      • #4

        The Tick Downloader is designed to download tick data and save it to a local file on your computer. Provided you download these files on a regular basis, the tick data can be combined into a continuous file using a text editor. I found several references to this (link1 , link2, and link3) on the forum using the Search tool.

        If you want to look for others, you can start with the last search string that I used tick* AND data* AND text* AND edit*

        The files can be quite large especially if the trading volume is high. When you start combining them, you can quickly reach a point where there is a practical limit to the file size. To that end I would recommend you limit the downloads by checking the Save Trades Only checkbox while downloading. Some text editors cannot handle these large files so you may have to find one that does. There are several freeWare editors out there that are designed for large text file manipulation.

        Originally posted by jay60

        Sorry, I thought the 10 days of data from the Tick
        Downloader could be stored on my computer
        permanently and then, hopefully, built upon to have
        a continuous string of tick data for study purposes.
        I now see that it can't be stored.

        Thank you again,


        • #5

          Thank you very much for taking the time to search out and
          provide me with this information. I hadn't really noticed that
          the file was so large until you mentioned it. I will locate a
          text editor this weekend and start building a continuous
          file. All should be much easier then.

          Thank you again for your kind help,


          • #6

            You are most welcome.

