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Change From Open in global Field

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  • Change From Open in global Field

    I was wondering why the field change from open is not available on the Alert edit/Staus box, Change from Close is there, but the Change from open is not. Thank you. Please advise.

  • #2
    Thank you for the inquiry. Some time ago when the thought of adding alerts to eSignal came about we ask several traders what they would use to set alerts on, unfortunately Change from Open was not mentioned. And over the years suggestions have been made and many have been added. We continue to encourage more suggestions that make the alerts and the entire application useful to everyone.

    That said, I have forwarded your comments to have “Change from Open” added into the Global alert to the Product Manager. I can’t promise that it will be added in the next release but I can say it will be reviewed for the possibility of a later one.


    eSignal Support

