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Time Template Editing Problem

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  • Time Template Editing Problem


    I used up until now an Intraday time template as follows:

    Intraday Default
    # Bars 210
    Automatic Start/End Times

    and the title on the advanced charts always showed :

    (XXXXX) 210 Bars,Auto(9:30-16:00[exg])

    Now I tried changing my Intraday Time Template to 300 bars, instead of 210 bars but unfortunately the start/end times I see on the chart title is 0:00-0:00. Even when trying to go back to 210 bars it still "insists" on 0:00-0:00.

    The only way to bypass this is to cancel the Automatic Start/End Times and to set it manually. However, it is no solution for me since I want the Start/End times to be automatically set to market opening hours.

    Thank you for guiding me how to proceed in order to solve this problem.


  • #2
    Time Template

    Hi There,

    Thanks for your forum post.

    I am not able to replicate what you have reported.

    Have you recently upgraded your software?

    If the answer to that question, is "yes":
    The please advise, what version of our eSignal application are you operating? (Help\about).

    Please also, advise what operating system are you using?

    Kind Regards,


    • #3
      Hello ShaheedM,

      Thank you for your kind reply.

      No, I have not upgraded recently my software and am still using version 10.0.0 (Build 859).

      I am using XP Professional Operating System.

      I really hope you can assisst me.

      Thank you again,


