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When is the new version coming out?

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  • When is the new version coming out?

    Dear Esignal,

    When is the new version 10 coming out? I am sick and tired of using software that is working half the time.

    Yes, I have installed and tried all the versions between 2004 and 2008. Yes, my internet connection is good. Yes, my computer is up to date. Yes, I have a checked all the symbols. And yes I am out of patience.


  • #2
    I'm also waiting for the final version...
    At first you guys promised it was released by the end of april and it's now may 20th...
    I Still have data delays (when connected to the wrong server) and freezes in my esignal 7.9 when i scroll down in my Powerscan. Charts loading takes sometimes forever (10 sec+) I'm not using any studies (only the EMA) and all this happends on my 5 min frame.
    You guys are saying that alot of these problems are solved in the final 10.1, bring it on

    Seriously, this is going on now from the beginning of this year, before that, everything was fine. I'm also out of patience...I almostg lost confidence in Esignal as an end user and the problem is not on my side...

    ps. ~Todd I.~ helped me alot during all those problems .All the credits go to him...
    Last edited by Sebastian; 05-20-2008, 01:12 PM.


    • #3
      We expect a release candidate to be made available this week.

      Thanks for your continued patience.

      Edit: I'm told the release is expected later this afternoon so please look out for the announcement and test it out. We haven't done any work specifically on our scanners so I can't say whether that issue will be any different. Overall, the app should run more efficiently and intraday charts will load much quicker.

