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Time template edit window

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  • Time template edit window

    In eSignal 10.1, once the time template window is opened, no matter whether any change is made or not, exiting that window would result in all charts using that time template reload data (refreshed?). Actually there should be a cancel button in the edit window so that when the user does not make any change but just want to check the time template configuration, no refreshing the charts is needed.

  • #2
    Re: Time template edit window

    FWIW also I am not seeing a refresh of the chart - if no edits are applied - when the Time Template is exited using either the Close or the X buttons. In the enclosed animation you can see that I go into and exit the Time Template twice and the counter never resets which occurs instead when I refresh the chart manually.
    You will need to provide further details as to when you see a refresh happening

    Originally posted by clearpicks
    In eSignal 10.1, once the time template window is opened, no matter whether any change is made or not, exiting that window would result in all charts using that time template reload data (refreshed?). Actually there should be a cancel button in the edit window so that when the user does not make any change but just want to check the time template configuration, no refreshing the charts is needed.


    • #3
      It seems it only happens on intraday charts. I tested on 10S chart and daily charts, no such problem. Alex, you tested on 60S chart and it did not happen.

      I attached the screenshot of my time template.

      All intraday charts get refreshed even if they use different time templates, symbols and/or intervals from the chart on which I open the time template edit window.

      - Clearpicks
      Attached Files
      Last edited by clearpicks; 06-07-2008, 11:38 AM.


      • #4
        Even though that animation was captured using the 60S interval I actually ran the same test also all the other intervals shown in my Time Template with the same results
        The enclosed animation was captured using the same Time Template used for the previous test and as far as I can see the chart is not being refreshed using an intraday interval

        Originally posted by clearpicks
        It seems it only happens on intraday charts. I tested on 10S chart and daily charts, no such problem. Alex, you tested on 60S chart and it did not happen.

        I attached the screenshot of my time template.

        All intraday charts get refreshed even if they use different time templates, symbols and/or intervals from the chart on which I open the time template edit window.

        - Clearpicks


        • #5
          Change the start and end time to 0:00 and 24:00 respectively or Auto for both.

          The problem does not appear if the start time and end time are set to 0:00 as you did.


          • #6
            Setting the Start/End times to 00:00/24:00 - or to any other time - does not refresh a chart when accessing the Time Template without editing it. If you use the Time Template you posted earlier in the thread and set the chart to 15 minutes or to any other interval that in your Time Template is not specifically set to Auto you will see that it will not refresh.
            Setting the Start/End times to Auto does instead refresh the chart. I suspect that this is happening because in this case the Time Template is not setting the Start/End times which are required by the chart so the chart needs to always reapply the session times [that are stored in a different file]. I have passed this information on to eSignal's developers to see if they can modify this behavior.
            In the mean time keep in mind that the refresh will happen only on the charts that are plotting intervals set to Auto. All the other charts that are plotting intervals set to specific Start/End times will not refresh

            Originally posted by clearpicks
            Change the start and end time to 0:00 and 24:00 respectively or Auto for both.

            The problem does not appear if the start time and end time are set to 0:00 as you did.


            • #7

              I will test it again by setting to 0:00-24:00. Currently each time I start eSignal, it would try to reinstall (repair?). I need to fix that issue first.

              BTW, which software did you use to capture the window animation file?

              - Clearpicks
              Last edited by clearpicks; 06-09-2008, 01:35 PM.


              • #8

                You are right. It has to be auto to reproduce this issue.

                - Clearpicks

