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eSignal trying to reinstall some files when starting

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  • eSignal trying to reinstall some files when starting

    I am using eSignal 10.1 gold. In each eSignal version, eSignal installs quite some add-on formula folders such as Arps Crown Jewels, Hawkeye, JoeKrut, etc.. Since I never use any indicators sold by these sellers, I always delete them. However I just found in this eSignal build, if I delete them, next time I start eSignal, eSignal would open a window "Preparing to install". If I don't cancel it promptly, it would install a lot unneeded formulas and pages, even restore my faverites bar to eSignal default setting. This is really very very annoying.

    - Clearpicks

  • #2
    I tested on another computer. The simplest way to reproduce this issue is to delete "Arps Crown Jewels" fomula folder and start eSignal. An window installer window would appear to restore it. This is riduculus.
    Last edited by clearpicks; 06-09-2008, 01:59 PM.


    • #3
      Can someone confirm this? How can I delete those useless third-party indicator folders? Thanks.

      - Clearpicks


      • #4

        We are aware of this, and we are currently evaluating different solutions.

        Thanks for your post.

