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Changing data on Volume Bars

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  • Changing data on Volume Bars

    I checked the volume bar data on the market profile at 7am ET.
    (Time frame was the standard 30 min)
    zn u8 / zn #f
    The high volume price from yesterday was 11409
    At 10.30 the market trades up to 114085.
    I check the volume bars and now they say that the high volume price from yesterday was in fact 11408.
    I was working the 09s and so I've missed a trade based on "faulty" information.

    How can this important data not be correct at 7am? Will the high volume price from yesterday change again?
    Can someone tell me what is happening here?

    I would also be interested in a reply to my last post about how to address the problems with the profile on the daily time basis.

    Any responses would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    Re: Changing data on Volume Bars

    The values can change if you modify the vertical size of the chart and this is set to AutoScale or if you compress or expand the chart on its vertical axis. In the following animation you can see that as I change the vertical size of the chart or compress and expand the scale the values displayed in the price scale change and so does the graphical representation of the profile as it adjusts to the scale.

    To ensure that the values don't change you would need to set the chart to the tick value of the intrument and adjust the scale on the chart so as to see each price level (as shown in the screenshot enclosed below). In this case you can see that the VAH was at 114^085 (which btw was matched by today's High)
    With regards to the question you asked in your last post you can submit your suggestions by selecting Support-> Make a Suggestion from the main menu of the eSignal application.

    Originally posted by NowThen
    I checked the volume bar data on the market profile at 7am ET.
    (Time frame was the standard 30 min)
    zn u8 / zn #f
    The high volume price from yesterday was 11409
    At 10.30 the market trades up to 114085.
    I check the volume bars and now they say that the high volume price from yesterday was in fact 11408.
    I was working the 09s and so I've missed a trade based on "faulty" information.

    How can this important data not be correct at 7am? Will the high volume price from yesterday change again?
    Can someone tell me what is happening here?

    I would also be interested in a reply to my last post about how to address the problems with the profile on the daily time basis.

    Any responses would be greatly appreciated.


    • #3
      Thank you for your reply Alex.
      I have the profile set up the same as in your "market profile1". I also get the high volume price to be 11408, as on your chart (note I am not talking about value areas, but simply the highest volume price on the profile for yesterday).
      What I am telling you is that when I pulled up my chart this morning at 7 ET, the volume bars indicated that 11409 was the high volume price.

      I have noticed this happen a few times before and have been careful to observe this a few times to make certain that the data is changing. What concerns me is that the data I am getting is not accurate more than I notice and this would be affecting my trading.

      Obviously it doesn't appear to be logical that it would change, but this is happening.
      Any help much appreciated.


      • #4
        One thing that occurred to me -is it possible that the volume bars are based on estimated volume until a certain time in the day when they are changed to actual volume? Is this what the discrepancy could be? If this is the case then at what time of day does this happen?

