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reducing bar count does not affect current instance

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  • reducing bar count does not affect current instance

    With, say, a 100bar intraday time template create a $SPX 5min chart. Save it, close eSignal and reopen with just this chart (to make sure nothing else has loaded the same data).

    See 100bars.

    Now change chart template to a 50bar template, save a new copy of the chart. See that the chart still has 100bars. Close and reopen (50 bar version) chart, see still 100bars.

    Now restart eSignal and load the 50bar template (must do this first). See 50 bars now.

    In other words, the chart displays as many bars as eSignal has available, not what is specified in the template?

  • #2
    Hi Dave180,
    I have followed you instructions to the tee and am unable to duplcate this. I have attached a shot of my Time Template in hope that maybe you can look at it and let me know if I did something different then you did.

    It's also worth mentioning that I do not have any Bar or Time Cache Setting under preferences.

    eSignal Support


    • #3
      Hi Avery
      When you say "Can't reproduce", can you say what does happen? I assume you mean that the bar count in the chart does change when you select the shorter template?

      My templates are both single entries for "I-Default" and have 0:00 start and end times (for no particular reason).

      I have the default caching set still, ie just Enable cache-by-size = 20.

      Life's always such a mystery!



      • #4
        Hi Avery
        Well this is odd:

        1) I have an email with your response an hour ago, but on the forum there is no evidence of your post:
        Sure I can tell you what happens.

        The number of bars I have selected in the time Template take affect. I think that we do have differences though in out Time Templates. For my Time Templates I used the User Defined and not the I-Defaults and I selected Auto for the Start and End times.
        2: I have had to crash eSig (the only way to abort slow efs) several times today. On the last reload the 100 bar version of the chart loaded with no historic bars, it is building the current bar. If I flip to the 50bar version I get the 50 bars, when I flip back I only get the current (well, those since the load) bars.



        • #5
          Sorry for the delay in responding, I tested this we some other system that have been running esignal for a while and did duplicate what you were saying. I have to more testing to find out what the differences about my test computer and some standard systems on the floor.

          From your post, Normally when you get no historical bars it's an indication that you're not connecting to a historical or tick server (depending on what type of interval you're trying to get. Because you are getting the current bar you are at least connected to the Data Manager.

          If you see this again, since you're not getting the data already, I woud close eSignl down again and wait about 20 second to make sure that all the connections have been removed and try reconnecting.

          Once I've had a chance to test the reduce bar issue more I'll post back here and let you know.

          By the way can you let me know what you think of the new Integrated trading with eSignal. I know a while back that you had tried the QuoteTrade but wanted something within eSignal. Now that the features are in eSignal i wanted to see what you thought.

          eSignal Support

