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Minimizing eSignal reduces CPU drastically!

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  • Minimizing eSignal reduces CPU drastically!

    I am using too much CPU now (didn't use to).
    Can anyone tell me why when I minimize eSignal my CPU usage drops dramatically? I assume that all my programs are still running. So they are not what is using so much CPU. It appears to be a graphics/CPU issue.
    Extreme CPU usage didn't use to be a problem. Maybe higher volume means more ticks - more drawing - more CPU use. Any help would be appreciated. I get too many delays and momentary lock-ups now.
    BTW I am still using 8.0 (and am sticking with it ).
    Thank you.
    Last edited by kdh05; 07-09-2008, 02:49 PM.

  • #2
    At the beginning of a day, restart your computer and startup eSignal. Under the tools menu, select Tools, EFS then Performance Monitor. Once the monitor pops up, use the snapshot tool (or equivalent) to capture a screen shot of the performance monitor. Then reset the monitor. At the end of the day, capture another screen shot of the performance monitor.

    Additionally, open the C:\Program Files\eSignal\formulaoutput.log and count the number of lines in the file.

    Once you've done this, post your results (both screen shots, line count, or any other pertinent information), perhaps someone will be able to guess where or what the problem is from.
    Last edited by Guest; 07-09-2008, 03:10 PM.


    • #3
      Without more information I would venture to guess your reduction in CPU usage when minimizing eSignal is because of repainting.

      In version 10.1 we make it possible for user to control the number of times the eSignal window would refresh. This was an important stride in addressed issues users were reporting of high CPU usage, you can read about ver 10.1 - display optimization overview here.

      You say your stuck with version 8. If your unable to upgrade to a more recent version of eSignal you may want to at least reduce your refresh rate for your monitor(s). This should help in the short term until you can get on a newer version.

      eSignal Support


      • #4
        Hi KDH05

        When I had a similar CPU problem I realized it was because I have too many EFS scripts running, on many charts
        These were simple scripts and I was able to combine the many scripts in to one or two. This made a huge improvement to performance, especially during high volume periods and I still have many charts open.

        Also moving the crosshairs on the charts shoots up CPU usage and probably why you see a drop once you minimize Esignal

        Last edited by Musashi; 08-20-2008, 01:34 PM.

