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E-signal freezes a lot

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  • E-signal freezes a lot

    During the past few weeks, E-signal froze many times. I called customer services many times with some positive results. However, Esignal keeps on freezing more than serveral weeks ago.

    I tried to uninstall E-signal, manually removing some files as per an e-mail I received, and creating a new layout. What else can I do?

    I like E-signal, but now the frequency of E-signal freezing is getting very annoying.

  • #2
    Hi Verna,

    When you say "freezing" can you be a little more specific?

    For ex:
    Can you still use your mouse?
    If you bring up the Windows task manager, under application does it say for eSignal "not responding"?
    Does it ever "un-freeze" itself?
    Do you have to reset your PC to get it working again or just the eSignal app?

    Have you checked to see what else is running on your PC in case there's some interference. We have a handy FAQ and link about deciphering what the Task Manager shows.

    Next, we should look at your operating system, RAM, PC speed, etc. Have your upgraded your Windows files lately? And so on.



    • #3
      RE: Reply to post 'E-signal freezes a lot'

      My computer is a 6 moths old Dell. Pentium IV 1.4 GHz, 512 MB Ram, plenty
      of HD, DSL connection. 2 flat displays.

      When E-signal freezes, I only have to close it and log out of the Data
      Manager. Re-open it and often it will work. Most of the time, E-signal
      freezes when I have an Advanced chart open on one display and I work on a
      different E-signal window on the second display.

      Thanks for our quick reply,


      -----Original Message-----
      From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
      Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 12:38 PM
      To: [email protected]
      Subject: Reply to post 'E-signal freezes a lot'

      Hello verna,



      • #4
        Here are some further questions/comments to narrow down the possibilities.

        - Do you have two sessions of eSignal open, or are you running only one with windows spread onto two monitors?
        - What version of eSignal are you running? (Found under Help --> About)
        - What window types are you using? If an Advanced Chart, please describe any studies or EFS you have.
        - What other applications do you have running? Please review the FAQ the Scott referenced to see if there is any conflicts.
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #5
          RE: Reply to post 'E-signal freezes a lot'

          - Do you have two sessions of eSignal open, or are you running only one with
          windows spread onto two monitors?
          - What version of eSignal are you running? (Found under Help --> About)
          - What window types are you using? If an Advanced Chart, please describe
          any studies or EFS you have.
          - What other applications do you have running? Please review the FAQ the
          Scott referenced to see if there is any conflicts.

          -Only one session open with 10 Advanced Charts open, 1 Times and Sales
          Window, 1 quote Window. Some are outside the E-signal layout.
          -I am running 7.3 (Build 588) 5/7/2003
          -4 Advanced Charts show ES candle charts with Simple Moving Averages. 1 of
          these four also has Ballinger Bands, ATRs and RSI of ROC. 2 more Advanced
          Charts have $ADV / $DECL on Daily and 5 minutes. 1 Advanced Chart shows SPX
          5 minutes. 1 Advanced Chart shows TICK 1 minute with a 200 SMA. 1 Advanced
          Chart shows daily $TRIN. 1 Advanced Chart shows daily ADD.
          -I only run FFast Trade, my Futures broker.


          Matteo Verna

          -----Original Message-----
          From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
          Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 11:28 AM
          To: [email protected]
          Subject: Reply to post 'E-signal freezes a lot'

          Hello verna,



          • #6
            When these freezes occur, does application lock-up so no other actions can take place within the software, or it is just that the real-time data stops flowing but you can still do things in eSignal? Is any action taking place that seems to cause the problem (i.e. requesting a tick chart, new symbol, or new interval,) or is it more random?

            Please also review this FAQ as it may contain a solution to your problem.
            Jay F.
            Product Manager
            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11

