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Chart Description

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  • Chart Description

    I have a black background for my adv charts. The chart description does not show with the symbol and interval as it does when the backgound is in white. Is there a way to change the text to some other color than black. Also I need info on the following:

    1. How to edit/manipulate the way price info is plotted in an adv chart like we are able to with the studies available in the formula folder using the Editor, and

    2. How to edit/manipulate the studies that are listed in the Basic Studies.

    I appreciate any help in this regard. Thanks.

  • #2

    I have a black background for my adv charts. The chart description does not show with the symbol and interval as it does when the backgound is in white. Is there a way to change the text to some other color than black

    See the solution offered in this thread.

    With regards to your point 1 I am not sure I understand what you are asking.
    As to point 2 you can Edit the settings of the Basic Studies applied to a chart by right clicking the chart, then selecting Edit Studies and then selecting the study from the dropdwon list.



    • #3


      Thanks for the quick response.

      I meant if there was a way to manipulate the price plotting on an advanced chart. Ideally I would like to specify a price filter wherein only if the price moves by a certain amount that a price should be plotted. I am trading off a 1 mt chart and it is very noisy. Is there another way to do it? Renko charts are no good and they have many bugs.

      The Edit Studies gives access only to a few parameters for changing. Is there a way to access the Basic Study formulas like we can with the studies in the Formula folder? Thanks.


      • #4

        I don't believe this can be done other than with the available Chart Types (3PB/3LB, Renko, etc).

        Unless I am misunderstanding what you are asking the settings in Edit Studies for Basic Studies should be the same as those that can be defined in an efs.



        • #5
          BB's advanced chart

          Hi Seshadri,

          I didn't understand how you wanted to edit price either? How price was displayed? (I can't remember how to edit price display either for BLK background....the settings are like in master setting somewhere? I found once) I have same problem now on my BLK charts. You can edit everything else but that in chart options.

          You can edit studies basics by clicking edit studies, more than that you have to edit the formula file on your computer by finding that file opening and fiddling around with.

          When I read your last post I thought you wanted to manipulate the price? I couldn't figure why...but I thought about putting it in perspective, I usually do that using multiple moving averages, not noisy when you get used to and understand. Here's a link below on how I use them.

          But, first...I wanted to play with bollinger bands to achieve the same thing. I think 1min charts are abit too busy , but 2min. makes better candle reading.

          Here is a series of BB's on a 2min the interaction of price and bands and I think you'll begin seeing trades. The MACD is divergied a little on turn, but on the 30min you'll get the real picture. Short-term market mania, IMO

          the BB settings:
          (20,2,C) No centerline...will clutter
          (10,2,C) No centerline...will clutter
          (40,1,C) Can use,(will clutter) But the big blue line is 40ma, use these together may be interesting

          The 40ma on this chart is your trendline.

          MA Ribbons (see the support?)

          Here's the other chart discussion on MA envelope.

          Last edited by JJordan; 06-27-2003, 10:01 AM.


          • #6
            New Question

            Alex & Jordan,

            Thanks guys for all your input. I have a couple of new questions.

            1. How to modify the existing formula for MA price bar (available under Price Plots). I am trying to make the bars go green only when the price exceeds the "High" of the chosen MA length and similarly the bars to turn red only when the price falls below the "Low" of the chosen MA length.

            2. A second thing I need help on is how to back test the above when it is a "Buy" when the bars go green and a "Sell/Short" once the bars go red so that we are always in the market either long or short.

            Any help in pointing me in the right direction or how to get this to work with the chosen time interval and MA would be greatly appreciated.



            • #7
              Additional Info for New Question

              As a follow-up to my earlier post...

              I would like the bars to remain in "neutral" color (Blue preferably) if the price is neither above or below the chosen MA. Thanks.


              • #8
                Color Bar Crossovers

                There is a formula under backtesting that shows the price crossing the 10ma....this is a good study. I also use the 40ma cross. Here is an example of the chart. You can use any interval.

                Question for Alex;

                I had had problems getting the colors I want. I tried some hit/miss names like Teal. Salmon doesn't work or the hex code fa8072?

                I tried (color.fa8072) and (color."fa8072") How do I use the hex codes?



                • #9
                  Follow the link below and it will take you to Chris Kryza's Specialty Script FileShare group where you will find an RGB Color Calculator.

                  For the more basic color list (and a complete Help on all EFS functions, commands, statements, etc) you can use the EFS Help files also courtesy of Chris Kryza and available at the following link

                  Hope this helps
                  Last edited by ACM; 06-30-2003, 06:44 AM.


                  • #10
                    For hex colors, use:

                    Color.RGB(0xRR, 0xGG, 0xBB)

                    where RR GG and BB are the hex values for red green and blue. ie:

                    Color.RGB(0xFA, 0x33, 0x3A)

                    or just plain decimals:

                    Color.RGB(128, 255, 0)


                    • #11
                      Hex Color Codes

                      Thanks Dion & Alex,

                      I am asumming I can edit studies > click on a change color > choose more colors > choose custom colors > pick the color I want > read the Red: Green: Blue and that's the code?



                      • #12
                        Yep, that looks correct!


                        • #13
                          code generation worked

                          Looks better, easier to see candlesticks now.....
                          I can lighten the colors up more now and get more contrast.

                          corrected my script: Color.RGB(248,163,142))

                          Last edited by JJordan; 06-30-2003, 09:16 AM.


                          • #14

                            Thanks a lot guys.



                            • #15
                              Simple question

                              Jordan ( BTW a hell of a chartist: I really like his posts) has been able to put the RSI with band ABOVE the CHART.; it is an interesting layout, but I cannot replicate it: can someone explain me how to?

                              Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili

