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Swing Charting

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  • Swing Charting


    We really feel the need of a SWING Charting tool.

    If you deem it necessary in order to "sustain" our request I can post a POLL. If think can help.

    Swing trading is quite popoular, and would be very much easier have it integrated in ESIG rather tahn jump to HOT TRADER to see the plot.

    You guy did realized this great ESIG integrating AGET into your platform ( plus EFS and the countless number of tools from MP to Integrated trading). One more little step....?

    Thank you very much for your help

    PS: Pls do not forget my outnumbered requests of having : Tom DeMark Studies and AGET MARKET SCANNER with futures and EU Stocks!
    Last edited by fabrizio; 06-23-2003, 01:09 AM.
    Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili

  • #2
    Hi Fabrizio,
    I agree with you about the need and benefits of swing charting tools. I posted this thread some time back :

    eSignal Bulletin Board » eSignal Formula Script (EFS) Central » EFS Studies » ZIG-ZAG .efs (WAVE CHARTS)

    ....which was a request for an alteration to the zig-zag chart efs already available in eSignal. This simple study will be a benefit to those who 'swing trade' and / or use 'market geometry' alike; and at least it will offer one extra tool we can use for these purposes.

    Attached Files


    • #3
      Hi Paul

      Thank you for your support!

      Everyone who use market geometry would be delighted with it, you are right.

      And Zig Zag is more as an ex post tool, rather than a real time ...

      Why don't we make a Poll?

      Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


      • #4
        This would be a very nice addition!


        • #5

          The example chart you posted below is EXACTLY what I'm looking for as well.

          My trading methodology relies heavily on the teachings of Bryce Gilmore, who in my opinion is the worlds best authority on market geometry and it's practical application. It works very well for me.

          I've been using Ensign for years now, and it finally has some nice swing tools, but they're a bit quirky to say the least. I've written some of my own drawing tools in Ensign's ESPL language that I'd like to convert to eSignal's EFS, but I don't have the time now for the re-learning curve of a new language.

          Maybe an eSignal programmer or an add-on programmer like Chris Kryza will take head to our pleadings and get the ball rolling with some good, advanced, swing and Fib drawing tools.

          Take care,


          • #6
            Originally posted by TraderJO

            Maybe an eSignal programmer or an add-on programmer like Chris Kryza will take head to our pleadings and get the ball rolling with some good, advanced, swing and Fib drawing tools.

            Take care,

            If it is not a private script, why do not post the basics of the work and see if someone can help you?

            (PS: Do not forget plesae Larry Pesavento.....)

            Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


            • #7
              Originally posted by fabrizio

              If it is not a private script, why do not post the basics of the work and see if someone can help you?

              (PS: Do not forget plesae Larry Pesavento.....)

              PS the ZIG zAG EFS is freely available in this BB. Can be adjusted by % High & Low.

              So -maybe - if it i sutable for your purposes you do not even have to transalte yours.

              Let's see if I got it handy I post it her for you.

              Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


              • #8
                ZIG ZAG EFS FOR TRADERJO

                TRADER JO

                Here is it in a flash, a la facon du Esignal...........
                Attached Files
                Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                • #9
                  Hi Guys,

                  I've nearly done it, i can get the Price at the Pivot Point and also the Price difference between the present and last Pivot (like my example chart) - its still a bit messy, so i've got to tidy it up and i'll post it here in a while.



                  • #10
                    Hi Fabrizio / John,

                    After much trial and error i've come up with the first version of the Swing Chart. Basically, all the data is available within the TSSupport study, but it needed to be identified and then utilised to produce the data we need. There are still a few points to consider - and solve :

                    1) The Swing Pivot Point is calculated on the bar AFTER the actual Pivot itself - so i've found the best way to display the data is on the PRESENT bar, rather than the PIVOT bar, which can totally cover up the data;

                    2) I tried countless times with different methods to round up the Wave Length Points data to two decimal places, with no success at all - so if there are any experienced programmers out there that can complete this last task, we'd be gratefull;

                    3) I found it displays data in places which aren't actual Pivots - no idea why its doing this;

                    4) To create a Wave Length Bar Count will involve a lot more detailed programming beyond my experience - again, any assistance out there?

                    Let me know how it works,

                    Attached Files


                    • #11

                      2) I tried countless times with different methods to round up the Wave Length Points data to two decimal places

                      In the drawTextRelative lines use formatPriceNumber(). Rather than limiting to an n number of decimals (which is also doable) this function 'adapts' the number to the ones used by the security in the chart (if using currencies 2 decimals may be a limiting factor).
                      Here is an example of formatPriceNumber related to your code. In line 125 it would read as follows
                      drawTextRelative(0, high(), formatPriceNumber(RP), Color.RGB(0,255,0), Color.RGB(255,255,255), Text.FRAME, "Arial", 10)

                      Hope this helps

                      Last edited by ACM; 07-11-2003, 06:30 AM.


                      • #12
                        Thanks Alex,

                        Here's the updated Swing study that solves the decimal places problem.

                        Attached Files


                        • #13

                          Thanks r your EFS

                          I'll test it as thorofghfully as possible.


                          Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                          • #14
                            Hi Guys,

                            I've attached an edited version of Paul's script. I think we're getting there, but still some debugging to do. The ZigZag plots all the swings nicely, but I'm still getting some extraneous price and range text on the chart. I'm still trying to decipher the original ZigZag code. This is the first time I've ever worked with Java.

                            Fabrizio....the code I have for Ensign is private at this time.

                            I'll keep plugging away at this until we get it right.

                            Take care,
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              Paul , JO

                              Paul yor EFS is a good ZIG ZAG : Just "sucking" too much cpu . Can anyone around help you find a solution ( BTW if you experienced the same )

                              My compliments for your firts EFS....!!!

                              what is in my wish list is just not a zig zag but a swing chart as in Hot Trader....... I would not ask for that If I were able to feed with Esig my Hot Trader ....but I'm not able at all.

                              Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili

