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Refreshing EFS OHLC Data

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  • Refreshing EFS OHLC Data


    I know how to refresh the advanced chart data

    "Refreshing Advanced Charts
    Hold down the CTRL button on your keyboard; then click on the green OK with your mouse. The green OK is located in the Cursor Window, and it is known as Server Status Bar."

    But when I start Esignal many times the simple EFS for the open/High/Low/Close does not load this data and has , Loading Data...

    Refreshing the chart does not retrieve this EFS data, how can I get it to reload this EFS OHLC data without restarting Esignal?


  • #2

    Can you post the formula? Also does the not loading happen with all of you're EFS studies or just this one?

    You can reload or refresh the EFS studies you have on the charts by using the right click menu and Reload or [b]Chart Options--> Reload[b] off the main menu on the top of eSignal.

    eSignal Support


    • #3
      Hi ahodgee

      It is the esignal supplied efs - Under OHLC- getPrevOHLC.efs

      When they don't work its for one or two symbols.
      Say I'm opening a page with ES NQ ER and the EFS mentioned will fail to load for the ES for example and all ES charts will show ,Loading Data... even though price data has finished downloading. NQ ER charts will load fine.

      I have tried the reload and remove reload etc

      Restarting Esignal corrects the problem, may need a few goes. Happens more when your severs seem to be 'under a heavy load'

      If the symbol is ES #F and I type in ES U8 it can get the data for the EFS for ES U8.

      So the EFS date request to the server is timing out and I'm looking for a way to refresh it.


      • #4
        Hello Musashi,

        Please post the code that you have so that we can see what exactly is happening. The EFS you’re working with would require some modifications to plot any information. The version that comes with the installer is only intended to be called by other formulas and is not designed to plot anything as a stand-alone formula. Also, please confirm which version of eSignal you are using.
        Jason K.
        Project Manager
        eSignal - an Interactive Data company

        EFS KnowledgeBase
        JavaScript for EFS Video Series
        EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
        EFS Glossary
        Custom EFS Development Policy

        New User Orientation


        • #5
          My apologies Jason

          Esignal 7.91 (Build 738)

          PHP Code:
          Copyright © eSignal, a division of Interactive Data Corporation. 2005. All rights reserved.
          This sample eSignal Formula Script (EFS) may be modified and saved under a new filename;   
          however, eSignal is no longer responsible for the functionality once modified.             
          eSignal reserves the right to modify and overwrite this EFS file with each new release.    
          @version 3.0 by Alexis Montenegro for eSignal                                              

          function preMain() {
          setStudyTitle(" ");
          setCursorLabelName("PD-O"0); // Open
          setCursorLabelName("PD-H"1); // High
          setCursorLabelName("PD-L"2); // Low
          setCursorLabelName("PD-C"3); // Close

          setDefaultBarStyle(PS_DOT0); // Open  
          setDefaultBarStyle(PS_SOLID1); // High  
          setDefaultBarStyle(PS_SOLID2); // Low   
          setDefaultBarStyle(PS_SOLID3); // Close 

          setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.RGB0115), 0);        // Open  
          setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.RGB247238), 1);    // High  
          setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.RGB247238), 2);    // Low   
          setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.red3);    // Close 

          setDefaultBarThickness(10); // Open  
          setDefaultBarThickness(21); // High  
          setDefaultBarThickness(22); // Low   
          setDefaultBarThickness(13); // Close 

          setPlotType(PLOTTYPE_FLATLINES0); // Open  
          setPlotType(PLOTTYPE_FLATLINES1);    // High  
          setPlotType(PLOTTYPE_FLATLINES2);    // Low   
          setPlotType(PLOTTYPE_FLATLINES3);    // Close 

          bInit false;
          xOpen null;
          xHigh  null;
          xLow   null;
          xClose null

          main() {
          isMonthly() || isWeekly())
          bInit == false){
          xOpen  open(inv("D"));
          xHigh  high(inv("D"));
          xLow   low(inv("D"));
          xClose close(inv("D")); 
          bInit true;
          vOpen  xOpen.getValue(-1);
          vHigh  xHigh.getValue(-1);
          vLow   xLow.getValue(-1);
          vClose xClose.getValue(-1); 
          vOpen == null || vHigh == null || vLow == null || vClose == null)
              return new Array (


          • #6
            Hello Musashi,

            The code you have posted is a slightly modified version of \OHLC\PreviousDayDailyBars.efs. The current installer version is attached. However, after adding the missing end brace for main() to the code you've posted, the study appears to be working fine.

            Here's a couple things for you to try.

            1. Try using a time template that limits the amount of data being loaded by the chart.

            2. Try creating a new page with only a single chart and test the formula. If the problem does not appear, then it means you could possibly have a corrupted chart file. The first thing to do is create new charts in your page and delete the current ones.

            3. Try upgrading to 10.1.
            Attached Files
            Jason K.
            Project Manager
            eSignal - an Interactive Data company

            EFS KnowledgeBase
            JavaScript for EFS Video Series
            EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
            EFS Glossary
            Custom EFS Development Policy

            New User Orientation


            • #7
              Hi Jason

              I found a work around

              1. Try using a time template that limits the amount of data being loaded by the chart.

              - no change

              2. Try creating a new page with only a single chart and test the formula. If the problem does not appear, then it means you could possibly have a corrupted chart file. The first thing to do is create new charts in your page and delete the current ones.

              -no change

              3. Try upgrading to 10.1.

              - old betsy's been working fine

              The work around is to first open a page with 1 clean chart, ES 1min - no efs's etc
              Then open the page that is you normal workspace, 100% success rate

              There seems to be some 'delay, data loss' on esignal starting and the data manager that causes the efs prev OHLC data, that is retrieved from the server to not load (note: all price data loads fine and only some symbols prev OHLC data). So by not requesting that data on startup, I avoid the problem.

              Thank you for your help
              Last edited by Musashi; 09-06-2008, 12:14 PM.

