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Adding EMA

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  • Adding EMA


    I want to add small EMA for the 1 min and 5 min charts well all of them really

    I want to add
    10 day
    5 day
    1 day
    1/2 day
    1/4 day
    1/8 day

    How can I do this ?


  • #2
    When you add a moving average to your chart, you'll see an option to make it simple, exponential, weighted or volume weighted. You'll also adjust the length (i.e. # of bars). Your going to need to convert the values your looking for into "bars" and factor in the interval you're choosing.

    So a 1 minute chart at 12 noon will already have over 300 bars so half would be 150. A 15 minute chart would only have 20 bars.

    In the end, you can add countless EMA's to a chart and adjust each one as you need it.

    Hope that helps.


    • #3
      Would I have to have an EMA for each chart ie 1 5 10 15 etc or if I put the EMA's in for say a 5 min chart, will in convert them for the other charts ?

      So for a 1/8 day EMA on a 5 min chart the length would be 9.75 ?

      How can I put in 9.75 for the length ?

      Is this correct for a 1 day EMA on a 5 minute chart .. I would put 78 ?

      Also if I want to do this premarket would I add to the time frame ( normal would be 6.5 hours )



      • #4
        You can create the ideal chart you'd like and then save as a style template (check the KB for more info on style templates) and then each symbol you load, you'll have the same studies.

        9.5 or 11.4 wont work. You need 10, 15, 200 etc.

        In terms of the math, I'm more comfortable letting you figure that out on your own.

        Take care.


        • #5
          ok say I save the chart and use the math for a 5 minute chart
          Will it convert it to a 15 or 30 min chart if I switch it over from the 5 ?

          Or do I have to make a separate 15 minute chart , 30 min chart etc ?


          • #6
            I suspect you may not have eSignal yet. If you don't, I really encourage you to at least take our 30 day trial offer.

            Yes, as you change symbol or interval, the studies remain in place.



            • #7
              Yes I know they stay in place. when you switch intervals do the values change for with respect to that interval automatically or do I have to manually do it and save each and every chart ( ie 5min 15 etc )

              Ie 5min chart 1/8 day EMA is 9.75 bars .
              5 min chart 1 day EMA is 78 bars

              now if I switch the time period to a 15 min chart it should be divided by 3 (5min divided by 3 )

              which would be now

              1/8 EMA would be 3.25 bars
              1 EMA would be 26 bars

              btw I have had esignal a while here

              Last edited by yoda0629; 08-21-2008, 09:01 PM.


              • #8
                A period is a period, regardless of time. In other words, a 10 period ma on a 1 min looks at the last 10 1 min periods. That same ma on a 15 min chart would look back on that last 10 15 min bars.

                Hope that makes sense.

