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Alerts on Studies

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  • Alerts on Studies

    Where can I find how-to information about "Alerts on Studies"? It's a bolded item on the 7.2 beta features list, so it's supposed to be available in the current beta. Maybe I missed it, but I found no obvious menu item or other access to this feature in the 7.2 beta (build 510). Thanks.

    Advanced Charting Enhancements:
    6. Alerts on Studies -- Users will now be able to tie an alert pop-up or sound to a study through EFS, so you'll be alerted to buy and sell opportunities.

  • #2
    Re: Reply to post 'Alerts on Studies'

    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


    FS&file=3DFormulaAlertSample.efs> FormulaAlertSample.efs=20

    Examples of how to use sound & mail alerts by Dion Loy


    2002/10/15 05:01:25 PM


    might help. Found in the Automated Trading Alerts in EFS
    ----- Original Message -----=20
    From: "eSignal Bulletin Board Mailer" < <mailto:[email protected]>
    [email protected]>
    To: < <mailto:[email protected]> [email protected]>
    Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 9:12 AM
    Subject: Reply to post 'Alerts on Studies'

    > Hello dloomis,
    > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


    • #3
      Dloomis, thanks for the reply, but your post isn't clear. Can you delete all the junk and say what you mean? Thanks.


      • #4
        There are a few sample formulas added in a new Alerts forlder under the Formulas folder. They have some examples and comments in the code to help you out. There is also a new Alert List under the View menu in eSignal that displayes any triggered alerts.


        • #5
          I give up, could somebody please give a correct link to this folder?

          I really cannot find it




          • #6
            This is a folder on your PC that was created in the install of the beta. To add one of the sample formulas, just right click on a chart, go to Formulas, and then Alerts to see the samples. To pull them into the Editor, open the Editor from the Tools menu, click on the Open Folder icon, and find the Alerts folder in the list.

            Hope this helps,


            • #7
              Because of the messed up link, I thought those EFS files were on File Sharing


              • #8
                Re: Reply to post 'Alerts on Studies'

                I believe Todd was referring to the Alerts folder in eSignal/Formulas
                folders on your computer.


                • #9
                  Re: Reply to post 'Alerts on Studies'


                  has the files you should look at

                  I hope this email doesn't get garbled on its way to you.

                  ----- Original Message -----
                  From: "eSignal Bulletin Board Mailer" <[email protected]>
                  To: <[email protected]>
                  Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 10:58 AM
                  Subject: Reply to post 'Alerts on Studies'

                  > Hello dloomis,
                  > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


                  • #10

                    There is a preview message button dloomis. This can be helpful if you are not sure whether your message looks good yes or no.

                    Cheers and thx,



                    • #11
                      David is actually replying via email, so I don't think some links come in correct if part of them goes to a new line. If you're set up for email notification, you can reply to the email and the Bulletin Board system will route it to the correct thread and it identifies the author by the email address on file.

                      Kinda cool way to reply, but I like to get onto the board so I don't miss something in any new groups.

                      It's also good to use the http tool to add a link because links added as text in the body of the message can also get crunched as you can see in EdKoF's post.

                      Here is the link David was trying to post.


                      • #12
                        Matt...Alert Help

                        I'd like to start writing code for alerts. I've been writing EFS codes already, but with difficulty and with lots of online help. I need a reference for all the indicators I can call as "var some indicator = new ....." into the formula, ie: pivot, rsi, etc. (for example...RSIStudy(14,"close")). Then a list of get value parameters such as "rsi.getValue(RSIStudy.RSI)". Any reference for alert building? In any case, I'd like to start out getting an alert when close is > or < pivot. Then the next level of difficulty is an alert for a combination of indicators.

                        Matt, if you can point out where to place the alerts in the formula and the different operation parameters that can be applied, it would be great! Examples of if statements, using and/or statements for two indicators will be useful. Specifically, lets say when macd histogram > 0 AND RSI > 50 trigger buy alert.

                        Thanks for any help.



                        • #13
                          There is a reference doc here called builtinformularef.doc. It isn't very detailed, but it does list all the builtins.

                          There are also examples of most of them, though again not detailed, in the builtin sunfolder of the formula directory. This should be under wherever you installed eSignal.

                          There are examples of how to use alerts in the alert subfolder of the formula directory. They are pretty straight forward.


                          • #14
                            gspiker, thanks for the ref to the doc about builtin functions. I'd like to strongly recommend that eSignal make all these good docs available as HTML (web pages) instead of Word documents, and put them up on the main support or even product site. Making the documentation widely available benefits everyone.


                            • #15
                              These docs are also available in HTML form in the Product Training section:

