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Intraday charting 24hr IMM ccy symbols

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  • Intraday charting 24hr IMM ccy symbols

    I am trying to pull up an adv chart 240min chart of AZ Z2. There is an apparant "gap" between the 11/19 00:00 bar and the 04:00 bar. The gap does not appear when you use shorter intervals such as 60min or 120min. Any ideas why this is happening? I checked back a few days and the problem is consistent.

  • #2
    Can you post an image of what you're seeing to the File Share so we can see what you have? I'm not seeing a problem with the chart using 240, but there could be a difference as to what I see because I'm on the west coast and will get bars at different time frames than someone in a different time zone.

    I see alot of activity starting at 9:00 PST at 100920 and working down to a low of 100000 around 10:20 PST. This activity fits into a single 8:00 bar for me using a 240 minute interval, but might be broken up into 2 bars for you in a different time zone depending on where you are.

    Click Here to see an image of the 240 minute interval.

    Click Here to see an image of the 5 minute interval.

    If you're seeing something different than I describe, let me know or post an image for us to look at.


    • #3
      Attached is the 240min chart of AZ Z2 with the gap between the 00:00 and 04:00 bars. thanks for you help.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        And here is the 120min chart. The arrow indicates the 00:00 bar. As you can see there is no gap. Thanks again.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Thanks, the images help. Can you tell me what time zone you're using? It'll help if we're looking at the exact same thing. There is definitely something you're seeing different than I am and we need to find the cause at this end.


          • #6
            I am in Geneva IL (near Chicago), using CST.

