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Holiday Chart Issues

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  • Holiday Chart Issues

    The holiday schedule appears to present some problems with the charts on ES futures due to Globex trading and other problems.

    For example: Globex traded on Thanksgiving Day. So the daily bar chart shows this little sliver of a day. Can this be removed?

    Thanksgiving day also showed up on the intraday charts, eventhough it was not part of any regular session. Presumably the reason was that Globex trading partially took place during hours that might normally have been real time hours but for the fact that it's a holiday. Can something be done about this for those that may want their intraday charts to reflect real time trading activity?

    The market closed on Friday at 1:00PM. Evidently the same problem as mentioned above now takes place in that the system "thinks" that trading is still taking place, and therefore shows some "dots" probably reflecting the settlement price for times AFTER the close, and when no Globex trading was taking place. Can this be corrected?

    Finally, the daily bar chart does not reflect the Friday low. Why is that???

    If there is a more appropriate place to put this message besides this forum, please let me know.


  • #2
    Hi OldTrader,

    You can use symbol ES Z2=2 for regular trading session only data. This will eliminate Thursday's trading. However, the post Friday trading activity still shows up.

    As for the low of Friday, I have passed this on to QA for review & if necessary, correction.

    Andy S.
    eSignal Support


    • #3
      Hi OldTrader,

      As a follow-up to the issue on Friday's low, my QA department has informed me that the low of 930.75, which we show, is correct.

      What is the low that you are showing incorrect?



      • #4
        Hi Andy:

        First, thanks for all the help! I didn't realize I could get just the RTH that's very helpful!

        When I made my post the low on the daily bar chart was showing at 935.00. Evidently, at some point after I made the post the low on the daily chart was corrected. But thanks for the follow up.



        • #5
          Re: Reply to post 'Holiday Chart Issues'

          FWIW during the weekend the low that was showing on daily charts on 11/29
          for ES Z2 and ES #F was 935. As of this morning though the daily charts for
          both symbols were showing the correct 930.75

