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SCSI drives

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  • SCSI drives

    I'm building a new work station and need input from the esig software guys or anyone else for that matter on whether upgrading to 15000rpm scsi drives will give added performance worth the extra $$$

  • #2
    For eSigna in specific? Faster disks will not make that big a difference except on starting it up, unless you are swapping or paging a lot. Which you will not do if you load it up with memory. Memory is still cheap...spend as much as you can on it. Don't spend it (unless you have a big budget) on getting a slightly faster disk. has been shown that getting multiple disks is better than a single fast one if you are disk bound (databases, swapping, etc).



    • #3
      If I am allowed I woul d subscribe 150% the Garth psot abd advises ( wise as always)

      put at least 1 GIg of ram and if you really want a fster disk without using an array of disks as per garth advice there is a serial ATA from Western Digital called RAPTOR very close to a SCSI as per speed (but not 15.000) ( if not wrong 5.2ms ave.).

      Retail cost :250$ 5 years of guarantee

      Enjoy the new toy
      Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili

