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Executing EFS from the Quote board

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  • Executing EFS from the Quote board

    Would it be possible in the next release(?) of eSignal to apply an EF Script to the quote board so that one doesn't need to have a chart open for the script to run.

    An example would be a script that is calculating pivot's, moving average cross overs, stochastic etc.

    Perhaps a column that indicates that a script is attached to the quote and then to use the trigger window to display any alerts that the script generates. Then the user would just need to click on the quote to bring up the chart.

    The user would then just have the quote board on screen!

  • #2
    Good suggestion. I'll pass this along to our developers straight away. I don't believe this can be done in the next version, but maybe in the 8.x series.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


    • #3
      I get feeling that eSignal listens to it's users. What a nice feeling that is


      • #4
        I've drawn an image of the kind of layout that I was thinking about.

        The idea is to be able to execute a script from either the Quote board AND the Quote summary window.

        This image is from the quote summary window.

        The added columns are:

        - a check box = Tick this box to execute the script attached to it;

        - an information symbol = click this to view the script detials for this stocks EPIC;

        - a play button = to view a chart running the script

        It's just a thought but it would be really nice to see that as a feature in eSignal.

        Thank you.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          When clicking on the information symbol perhaps the program could list all the folders in the formula directory with a checkbox to tick by each folder to execute all the scripts inside it? If the user didn't want to execute all the scripts in that folder together then clicking the folder would display the script filenames along with a checkbox beside each script name. Then the user could tick each script that they wanted to run. The user would then just have the Quote Summary on screen plus the alert box for script alerts.

          It's just a thought but one which I would love to see as a feature in eSignal.


          • #6
            Thanks Highfield. I'll be sure the Product Developers see your suggestions.
            Jay F.
            Product Manager
            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


            • #7
              Thank you for the feedback and time you spent to show us how you'd like to see this displayed.

              We've had many of these type of suggestions and the biggest issue is the load on our servers. Imagine a quote window with a few hundred symbols in it. You add columns to calculate MACD and/or RSI and/or a custom EFS or 2. eSignal would then need to hit the tick server for every symbol in the list to pull the data required to get the results for each row.

              There are also other things to think about...
              What interval does the user want these studies calculated on?
              Does he need a time template figured into the calculation?
              If a time template is used, will it work for all the symbols in the list?
              How far back should the study start? Without a chart open it's harder to determine how many bars to request.

              I'm sure there are additional things to consider here and we need to be sure that every angle is thought out.

              We've looked into the idea of having a separate window that can do this with a limit to the number of symbols listed, but there were still many unanswered issues and it got side tracked a while back. It may come back again this way or in another form, but I don't see it fitting in the next few releases.

              I'll keep your feedback on our development list and see what we can do when we're able to look at this type of feature again.

              Thank you,

