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stack studies position

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  • stack studies position

    Is there a way to rearrange the order of the studies when in stack mode? Would be nice if you could adjust there position once you load them into your chart


  • #2
    Right click on the merged items, look for unmerged selection, unmerge, play again with redoing the order of stacks? Another idea, hold the <Shift> key or the <Ctrl> <Shift> key down and play with either moving or merging indicators?


    • #3
      Studies are Stacked in the top to bottom order of when they are Tiled. Therefore the topmost Tiled study becomes the first of the Stacked studies.
      Knowing this you can arrange the Tiled studies in the order you want prior to Stacking them.
      To rearrange the order of the Tiled studies click and drag the studies while pressing the <Ctrl> key


      • #4
        "Right click on the merged items,"

        What does that mean? I'm looking at the tabs at the bottom of an advanced chart that shows my basic studies, 8 in total. I was wondering if I could slide certain studies or "tabs" next to eachother


        • #5
          Ok got it now, thanks


          • #6
            I apologize.. trying to do too many things at one time, too fast, with a dyslexic brain... i may have misread your message. I was assuming (as I do often) you had merged indicators and wanted to move the order around. The way I fix that I unmerge the studies, then remerge them together in the correct order of laying. In addition, I was assuming you are using the eSignal real-time software platform. If not the old AGET package does not allow for rearranging of studies, the new one does, BUT only if they are Tiled not Stacked. Tile your indicators. Hold the <Ctrl> key down, highlight the indicator and drag the indicator to the location you want to move it to. This shifts the order. When done, Stack it again. To merger indicators hold both <Ctrl> and <Shift>, highlight indicator and move. Both are nice features. Sorry for the earlier mixup.

