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Can't stop Flooding my mail box with replies

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  • Can't stop Flooding my mail box with replies


    Several times I tried sending a message that I do not want to subsribe to e Signal forum replies but I am still getting all the replies to every post in my e mail box.

    Can somebody please take my name off, of that forum just for not receiving messages to my e mail box?

    I would like to read them from the site though.

    Thank You,

  • #2
    I've been thinking to write about this since a while. Thanks for taking the effort.

    The 'unsubscribe from this thread feature' indeed does not work. If you manage to unsubscribe somehow (forgot how I managed last time), you don't get ANYTHING anymore, not even new threads.

    eSignal, please look into this. The forum is getting more and more active, which is good. However, email boxes get flooded more and more at the same time. If customers can't manage this, they will slowly walk away from the forum.

    Hope this can be solved,




    • #3
      If you do not wish to receive email notifications at all the easiest solution is to go to the USER CP then Edit Options and apply No to the Use 'Email Notification' by default? option.
      The other solution - which is probably more useful - is to leave the email notification option on, but to make sure that you are unsubscribed from all the Forums. The list of the Forums you are currently subscribed to is visible in the main page of USER CP.
      At this point whenever you see a Thread that is interesting you still have the option to subscribe to that Thread only and receive emails for it alone. This will in turn make the "Unsubscribe from thread" link in the email notification work because you have no subscription to a Forum that would override it.
      Hope this helps


      • #4

        Thanks for your help. I will try this, but I remember that when I unsubscribed from all forums, I didn't get any mails anymore, not even from NEW forums.

        This would mean that I have to search manually for new forums, and then subscribe.

        My idea about how this should work is:
        - you get emails from all threads you are not UNSUBSCRIBED to, including new threads
        - whatever you don't find interesting, you UNSUBSCRIBE.
        - whatever you find interesting, just don't do anything.

        However, I'll try again, and keep you updated.

        Thanks again,



        • #5
          There are two levels of subscription to the Bulletin Board, one at Forum level and the other at Thread level with the Forum level being the top level.
          What this implies is that if you are subscribed to a Forum you cannot unsubscribe from a specific Thread in that Forum because the Forum subscription takes precedence.
          Conversely if you don't subscribe to a Forum you will not receive any notification which is what happened to you.
          The suggestion I made to Aston was specifically for him as he expressed the desire not to receive any notifications. The alternative suggestion would offer him some additional flexibility.


          • #6
            Then I would like to seriously suggest to eSignal to change this, so that the lowest level settings (eg unsubscribe from thread) take precedence over the higher level settings (subscribe to forum).

            With the increase amount of messages on the board, but the wish to stay properly informed about new subjects, this is the only way to manage this.


