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New User Training

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  • New User Training


    Are all new user training Audio Video presentations same?

    It would really help to have 3 parts, one each for (1) Beginners (2) Intermediate (3) For Advanced Users.

    eSignal 7.4 is quite complicated and would be nice to have detailed Video presentation in 3 parts so newly subscribed customers can benefit from all the features.

    It would also decease a lot of support questions which are related to Basic use of eSignal.

    Why not have 5 Video Tapes ( or Better a DVD or two ) on how to take advantage of all the features of eSignal 7.4 like many other software Vendors offer?

    Writing back and forth for every basic question takes your mind off trading and keeps you busy trying to learn the software and also keeps support staff very busy and forces them to keep answers short and delays in responses.

    ( This question relates more to International subscribers and parts of U.S where there are no on the road seminars and long distance calls are not only very expensive but also the time difference prevents them talking to live rep.)

    Would appreciate any inputs from other people that are in the same boat.


  • #2
    Hi Aston,

    All the live New User training sessions we do on Thurdays are the same.

    We are in the midst of developing an intermediate level training session and should be ready to go with it in October. We will then alternate every other Thursday between New User and Intermediate training.

    We've been looking at doing a Video / DVD series on our software, but with the rapid schedule of releases we've done over the last year and a half, it would render such a series outdated rather quickly. There will come a time when the software will get to a point in which major additions will slow down and it will then be possible to do such a series on Video or DVD.

    We welcome from all viewers of this thread feedback on what an Intermediate Level training material should contain.

    eSignal Support

