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Region Fee

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  • Region Fee


    So is it really necessary that eSignal charges a MONTHLY regional
    access fee?

    I just find this UNBELIEVABLE because I personally can access anywhere in the world via Internet with no additional REGIONAL fee.

    It's funny that I just complained about the cost verses what they give you and so they lower my monthly fees for the next 3 months by 30.00 and them they turned around and charged me and additional 25.00 for an additional regional fee. What has changed?

    I feel like my bones are being picked clean by the data Vulture.

    Mark Brown
    Attached Files
    Last edited by markbrown; 08-30-2003, 08:20 AM.

  • #2

    The region is not "new". We began charging the region fee last year when we first launched European Equity Markets. The fee does not apply to anyone subscribing to services within their region ( European, Asia/Pacific or North America ) and is only applicable when subscribing to an exchange in another region.

    The cost to deliver markets from around the world is very expensive. Simply charging the applicable exchange fee(s) does not offset our ongoing network and telcom expenses. You're only paying the fee if you are requesting data from another part of the world, hence directly benefiting from our global expansion.

    If you compare the breadth exchanges that you can subscribe to on eSignal with most other vendors, you'd see that not only do we cover far more markets than most, but we do so at a very reasonable price.

    As we add more and more customers across the globe and can spread out some of the high telcom costs, you may see us alter our pricing. Until then, this charge helps us justify delivering data from all of these markets.



    • #3
      Still can't believe it.

      The region is not "new". We began charging the region fee last year when we first launched European Equity Markets.

      so you are saying that for Futures IT IS A NEW FEE RIGHT! well i was not getting equties from europe, i was getting futures.

      I find it criminal that you would find it necessary to try and charge 25.00 dollars a month to deliver a 9.00 dollar exchange such as Eurex.

      You are making a fortune on that fee. I can supply you with a pipeline dedicated at that for fractions - especially considering how many of us are probably paying that 25.00 access fee.

      Plus I do not recall of have on my records where I was paying for this so called access fee prior to today. I will have to check my records but I don't think I was paying this. I just dropped my second eSignal feed the other day in favor of receiving unlimited delayed Option Quote service from OptionVue - thats unlimited internet delivered delayed Quotes for Options.

      Last edited by markbrown; 08-31-2003, 09:47 AM.

