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Excel Input

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  • Excel Input

    Hi All

    I hope you can help.

    I can get data into Excel, but I can't get it to pick up the data if the Symbol changes. At the moment I have this set-up

    ------A-------- B

    1----Symbol - Last

    2----IBM -- =WINROS|BidSize!ibm

    What I need to happen is that when A2 gets changed, it updates B2. So if A2 becomes MSFT, I want the last price for MSFT in B2.
    I hope that makes sence and any help would be much appricated


  • #2
    This would take some work in VBA to accomplish. Any VBA programmers out there willing to throw in their ideas?
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
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    • #3
      Hi Mark,

      you might be able to do this by using the excel function VLOOKUP.

      1. Make two spreadsheets
      2. On the first one make a list of symbols that you might want to look up:
      		 A	   B
      	1	ADBE	=WINROS|BidSize!ADBE
      	2	MSFT	=WINROS|BidSize!MSFT
      	3	SYMC	=WINROS|BidSize!SYMC
      and so on.

      Make sure you have the first column in alphabetical order.

      3. On the second sheet, use the VLOOKUP to get the values from the first spreadsheet:
      		 A	   B
      	1	symbol	=VLOOKUP(A1,sheet1!A1:B3,2,FALSE)
      When you enter a symbol in A1 of the second sheet,
      B1 will look for that symbol in the first sheet and return the second column, which is the bidsize of that symbol in this case.
      You can also add more columns (C, D, E ....) to the first sheet to get other values such as highs and lows etc.
      Check how to use the VLOOKUP function for more details.

      Hope this helps,


      • #4
        i had the same question just a couple of days ago, one alternative option is a nice fill in function in the winros excel bar that comes with the winros application. All you have to do after u changed the symbol is click on the cells that need to be updated and on fill in it will do it automatically.

