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user-defined quote window field

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  • user-defined quote window field

    Is it possible to have a user-defined field in a Quote window? I want to display intraday volume as a % of 65 day average volume.


  • #2

    This is not currently available through the Quote Window, but there are a few ways to do this. You can use Excel to create the custom formula, and then use DDE to stream the data to the Excel spreadsheet. More information about DDE and eSignal can be found under Start --> Programs --> eSignal --> Excel Sample.

    One other way is to use eSignal Formula Script (EFS) and then place the resultant value in a text box on a chart. This is a bit more involved as it would need to be custom programmed in EFS. More information about getting a custom study built can be found at this thread.

    Please know that we will be working on revamping the Quote Window in eSignal 8.x, and this may be able to be done in that version. Still too early to know for sure, though.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


    • #3
      Clicking on the --> Programs --> eSignal --> Excel Sample just brings up a little window entitled "SigTools". None on the icons seems to work. I get an error message "The macro "sigtools.xla!Signal Sample" cannot be found". Is there a tutorial somewhere that explains how to link esignal to Excel?



      • #4
        There is a Sigtool.hlp file in the eSignal folder.


        • #5
          When I click on the Sample Matrix icon I get the following error message:

          sigtools.xla!SignalSample cannot be found

          When I click on the DDE matrix fill, I get the following error message:

          sigtools.xla!SignalDDERangeFill cannot be found.

          Any ideas? Thanks in advance


          • #6
            What version of Excel are you running? I believe this was only designed to work for Excel 97 or later. If you are already running a compatible version, then a complete uninstall and reinstall would be in order.
            Jay F.
            Product Manager
            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


            • #7
              I am running Excel 2000 and esignal 7.4 (build 608) on Win2k
              Last edited by uktrader; 09-17-2003, 04:19 PM.


              • #8
                That should work fine. Try the uninstall/reinstall mentioned in the last post, and it should correct the issue.
                Jay F.
                Product Manager
                Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11

